LICustomActionSheet 0.1.3

LICustomActionSheet 0.1.3

Maintained by vishal dodiya.

  • By
  • vvdodiya



LICustomActionSheet provide the simple way to use different type of actionsheet.

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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


LICustomActionSheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'LICustomActionSheet'

How to use

  1. Import LICustomActionSheet in your class to use LICustomActionsheet:

     import LICustomActionSheet
  2. Create object of LICustomActionSheet using create() method like below:

     var objCustomActionSheet = LICustomActionSheetVC.create()
  3. To present simplay Call loadActionSheet() using object of LICustomActionSheet:

     objShowGetImageActionSheet.loadActionSheet(fromView: self, arrEmoji: nil, arrActionData: arrActionData, type: .regular)


  • fromView : fromView is the object of your object of your class to handle delegate method of LIActionsheet. This parameter is Required.

  • arrEmoji: If you want to display Emoji actionsheet than you need to pass array of emoji name and need to add images in the your project.

  • arrActionData: arrActionData is array of action name which you want to display in the action sheet.

  • type: you can set type of actionsheet. e.g. regular and sectionWise



actionButtonTextColor - standard color for LICustomActionSheet's buttons

cancelButtonTextColor - color for the cancel button.



Vishal Dodiya

@Logistic Infotech Pvt Ltd.


LICustomActionSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.