LBExpandedCollectionViewFramework 0.0.2

LBExpandedCollectionViewFramework 0.0.2

Maintained by Lioz.

  • By
  • Lioz Balki


This library provides a custom UICollectionView that allows to expand the cells. Provides a simple API to manage collection view appearance.

Storyboard Setup:

Example Project



class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var expandedCollectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView!

    override func viewDidLoad() { 
        expandedCollectionView.expandedDelegate   = self
        expandedCollectionView.expandedDataSource = self

Delegate - LBExpandedCollectionViewDelegate

The Collection Delegate Methods.

@objc public protocol LBExpandedCollectionViewDelegate {

     * Scale For Cell At IndexPath
     * */
     optional func expanded(_ collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView,
                            scaleForCellAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> LBExpandedCellScale
     * Will Display Cell for Collection Item At IndexPath.
     * */
    optional func expanded(_ collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView, 
                           willDisplay cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAt indexPath: IndexPath)
     * Did End Displaying Cell for Collection Item At IndexPath.
     * */
     optional func expanded(_ collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView,
                             didEndDisplaying cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAt indexPath: IndexPath)
     * Size For Collection Footer
     * */
    optional func sizeForFooter(in collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView) -> CGSize
     * Size For Collection Header
     * */
    optional func sizeForHeader(in collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView) -> CGSize
     * Did Select Collection Item At IndexPath
     * */
     optional func expanded(_ collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath)

DataSource - LBExpandedCollectionViewDataSource

The Collection Data Source Methods.

@objc public protocol LBExpandedCollectionViewDataSource {
     * Number Of Collection Items.
     * */
    func numberOfItems(in collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView) -> Int
     * View For Collection Header.
     * */
    optional func viewForHeader(_ collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView) -> UICollectionReusableView
     * View For Collection Footer.
     * */
    optional func viewForFooter(_ collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView) -> UICollectionReusableView
     * Cell For Collection Item At IndexPath.
     * */
    func expanded(_ collectionView: LBExpandedCollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell

DelegateFlowLayout - LBExpandedCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout

The Collection Flow Layout Delegate Methods.

@objc public protocol LBExpandedCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout: LBExpandedCollectionViewDelegate {
     * Spacing -> Top \ Bottom
     * */
     optional func minimumLineSpacing(_ collectionView:       LBExpandedCollectionView,
                                      _ collectionViewLayout: LBExpandedCollectionViewFlowLayout) -> CGFloat
     * Spacing Left \ Right
     * */
     optional func minimumInteritemSpacing(_ collectionView:       LBExpandedCollectionView,
                                           _ collectionViewLayout: LBExpandedCollectionViewFlowLayout) -> CGFloat


enum LBExpandedCellScale: Int {
    case one  = 1
    case two  = 2
    case four = 4

Expanded Cells Design

+-----------+          +---------------------+
|           | <-+----- | Scale one           |
|     0     |          +---------------------+
|           |          | LBExpandedCellScale |
+-----------+          +---------------------+

+-----------+          +---------------------+
|           | <-+----- | Scale two           |
|           |          +---------------------+
|           |          | LBExpandedCellScale |       
|     0     |          +---------------------+
|           |
|           |
|           |

+-----------+----------+          +---------------------+
|                      | <-+----- | Scale four          |
|                      |          +---------------------+
|                      |          | LBExpandedCellScale |   
|           0          |          +---------------------+
|                      |
|                      |
|                      |

+-----------+-----------+----------+         +-----------------------+
|           |           |          | <-+-----| LBExpandedCellScale - |
|     0     |     1     |     2    |         | index -> 0 == one     |
|           |           |          |         | index -> 1 == one     |
+-----------+-----------+----------+         | index -> 2 == one     |

+-----------+-----------+----------+         +-----------------------+
|           |           |          | <-+-----| LBExpandedCellScale - |
|           |     1     |     2    |         | index -> 0 == two     |
|           |           |          |         | index -> 1 == one     |
|     0     |-----------+----------|         | index -> 2 == one     |
|           |           |          |         | index -> 3 == one     |
|           |     3     |     4    |         | index -> 4 == one     |
|           |           |          |         +-----------------------+

+-----------+-----------+----------+         +-----------------------+
|           |           |          | <-+-----| LBExpandedCellScale - |
|           |     0     |     2    |         | index -> 1 == two     |
|           |           |          |         | index -> 0 == one     |
|     1     |-----------+----------|         | index -> 1 == one     |
|           |           |          |         | index -> 2 == one     |
|           |     3     |     4    |         | index -> 3 == one     |
|           |           |          |         +-----------------------+

+-----------+-----------+----------+         +-----------------------+
|           |           |          | <-+-----| LBExpandedCellScale - |
|     0     |     1     |          |         | index -> 2 == two     |
|           |           |          |         | index -> 0 == one     |
|-----------+-----------|     2    |         | index -> 1 == one     |
|           |           |          |         | index -> 3 == one     |
|     3     |     4     |          |         | index -> 4 == one     |
|           |           |          |         +-----------------------+

+-----------+-----------+----------+         +-----------------------+
|                       |          | <-+-----| LBExpandedCellScale - |
|                       |     1    |         | index -> 0 == four    |
|                       |          |         | index -> 1 == one     |
|           0           +----------|         | index -> 2 == one     |
|                       |          |         +-----------------------+
|                       |     2    |
|                       |          |

+-----------+-----------+----------+         +-----------------------+
|                       |          | <-+-----| LBExpandedCellScale - |
|                       |     0    |         | index -> 0 == one     |
|                       |          |         | index -> 1 == four    |
|           1           +----------|         | index -> 2 == one     |
|                       |          |         +-----------------------+
|                       |     2    |
|                       |          |

+-----------+-----------+----------+         +-----------------------+
|           |                      | <-+-----| LBExpandedCellScale - |
|     0     |                      |         | index -> 0 == one     |
|           |                      |         | index -> 1 == one     |
|-----------+           2          |         | index -> 2 == four    |
|           |                      |         +-----------------------+
|     1     |                      |
|           |                      |


The recommended approach for installing LBExpandedCollectionView is the CocoaPods package manager.

Install CocoaPods if not already available:

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Edit your Podfile and add LBExpandedCollectionView:

platform :ios, '14.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'LBExpandedCollectionViewFramework'

Install into your project:

$ pod install


LBExpandedCollectionView requires at least iOS 14 or above.