KovaleeRemoteConfig 1.5.3

KovaleeRemoteConfig 1.5.3

Maintained by Filippo T.

Depends on:
KovaleeSDK> 1.6.0
Firebase/Core>= 10.24.0
FirebaseAnalyticsSwift>= 0
FirebaseRemoteConfigSwift>= 0

  • By
  • fto-k


Unsure about how to present a feature? KovaleeRemoteConfig simplifies AB testing, helping you figure out the most user-friendly way to show off your new feature and optimize old ones.

It's part of a broader project KovaleeSDK


📦 Swift Package

The package can be simply installed as a dependency from XCode.

  • Add a package by selecting File → Add Packages… in Xcode’s menu bar.
  • Search for the Kovalee iOS SDK using the repo's URL:
  • Set the Dependency Rule to be Up to Next Major Version.
  • Select Add Package.

And you are good to go.


Platform Minimum target
iOS 14.0+


To properly work, this Package needs a set of configurations files that should be created by the team @Kovalee.

If you are interested in using this package for your iOS app, feel free to get in contact.