KinSDK 1.0.2

KinSDK 1.0.2

Maintained by Avi Shevin, Corey Werner.

Depends on:
KinUtil= 0.1.0
Sodium= 0.8.0

KinSDK 1.0.2

Kin iOS


A library for using Kin.



Add the following to your Podfile.

pod 'KinSDK'


  1. Clone this repo (as a submodule or in a different directory, it's up to you).
git clone --recursive
  1. Drag KinSDK.xcodeproj as a subproject.
  2. In your main .xcodeproj file, select the desired target(s).
  3. Go to Build Phases, expand Target Dependencies, and add KinSDK.
  4. In Swift, import KinSDK and you are good to go! (We haven't yet tested Objective-C.)

This is how we did the Sample App - you might look at the setup for a concrete example.

API Usage

The SDK exposes two classes, KinClient and KinAccount.


KinClient stores the configuration for the network, and is responsible for managing accounts.

let kinClient = KinClient(with: URL, network: Network, appId: AppId)
Account Management
func addAccount() throws -> KinAccount

func deleteAccount(at index: Int) throws

func importAccount(_ jsonString: String, passphrase: String) throws -> KinAccount

var accounts: KinAccounts


Before an account can be used on the configured network, it must be funded with the KIN currency. This step must be performed by a service, and is outside the scope of this SDK.


To retrieve the account's current balance:

func balance() -> Promise<Kin>

To obtain a watcher object which will emit an event whenever the account's balance changes. See the Sample App for an example.

func watchBalance(_ balance: Kin?) throws -> BalanceWatch

To send KIN to another user, first generate a transaction.

func generateTransaction(to recipient: String, kin: Kin, memo: String?) -> Promise<TransactionEnvelope>

The memo field can contain a string up to 28 characters in length. A typical usage is to include an order # that a service can use to verify payment.

Pass the returned TransactionEnvelope to the WhitelistEnvelope.

init(transactionEnvelope: TransactionEnvelope, networkId: Network.Id)

The WhitelistEnvelope should be passed to a server for signing. The server response should be a TransactionEnvelope with a second signature, which can then be sent.

func sendTransaction(_ transactionEnvelope: TransactionEnvelope) -> Promise<TransactionId>

var publicAddress: String { get }

The account's address on the network. This is the identifier used to specify the destination for a payment, or to request account creation from a service.

func status() -> Promise<AccountStatus>

Creating an account is done by an external service. To obtain the current status of the account, call the above API.

Other Methods

Both KinClient and KinAccount have other methods which should prove useful. Specifically, KinAccount has alternative methods for many operations that are either synchronous, or return a Promise, instead of using a completion handler.

Error handling

KinSDK wraps errors in an operation-specific error for each method of KinAccount. The underlying error is the actual cause of failure.

Common errors

StellarError.missingAccount: The account does not exist on the Stellar network. You must create the account by issuing a CREATE_ACCOUNT operation with KinAccount.publicAddress as the destination. This is done using an app-specific service, and is outside the scope of this SDK.


Please review our guide before opening issues and pull requests.


This repository is licensed under the Kin Ecosystem SDK License.