Kilo 1.3.2

Kilo 1.3.2

Maintained by Greg Brown.

Kilo 1.3.2

  • By
  • Greg Brown

Releases CocoaPods


Kilo is an open-source framework for consuming REST services in iOS and tvOS. The project's name comes from the nautical K or Kilo flag, which means "I wish to communicate with you":

This guide introduces the Kilo framework and provides an overview of its key features.


Getting Kilo

Kilo is distributed as a universal binary that will run in the iOS simulator as well as on an actual device. It is also available via CocoaPods. Either iOS 11 or tvOS 11 or later is required.

To install:

  • Download the latest release archive and expand
  • In Xcode, select the project root node in the Project Navigator view
  • Select the application target
  • Select the "General" tab
  • Drag Kilo.framework to the "Embedded Binaries" section
  • In the dialog that appears, ensure that "Copy items if needed" is checked and click "Finish"

Note that the framework binary must be "trimmed" prior to App Store submission. See the Deployment section for more information.


The WebServiceProxy class is used to issue API requests to the server. This class provides a single initializer that accepts the following arguments:

  • session - a URLSession instance
  • serviceURL - the base URL of the service

Service operations are initiated via one of the following methods:

public func invoke(_ method: Method, path: String,
    arguments: [String: Any] = [:],
    content: Data? = nil, contentType: String? = nil,
    resultHandler: @escaping ResultHandler<Void>) -> URLSessionDataTask? { ... }

public func invoke<T: Decodable>(_ method: Method, path: String,
    arguments: [String: Any] = [:],
    content: Data? = nil, contentType: String? = nil,
    resultHandler: @escaping ResultHandler<T>) -> URLSessionDataTask? { ... }

public func invoke<T>(_ method: Method, path: String,
    arguments: [String: Any] = [:],
    content: Data? = nil, contentType: String? = nil,
    responseHandler: @escaping ResponseHandler<T>,
    resultHandler: @escaping ResultHandler<T>) -> URLSessionDataTask? { ... }

All three variants accept the following arguments:

  • method - the HTTP method to execute
  • path - the path to the requested resource, relative to the service URL
  • arguments - a dictionary containing the method arguments as key/value pairs
  • content - an optional Data instance representing the body of the request
  • contentType - an optional string value containing the MIME type of the content
  • resultHandler - a callback that will be invoked upon completion of the request

The first version executes a service method that does not return a value. The second deserializes the response using JSONDecoder, with a date decoding strategy of millisecondsSince1970. The third version accepts an additional responseHandler argument to facilitate decoding of custom response content (for example, a UIImage).

Response and result handler callbacks are defined as follows:

public typealias ResponseHandler<T> = (_ content: Data, _ contentType: String?, _ headers: [String: String]) throws -> T

public typealias ResultHandler<T> = (_ result: Result<T, Error>) -> Void

All three methods return an instance of URLSessionDataTask representing the invocation request. This allows an application to monitor the status of outstanding requests or cancel a request, if needed.


Like HTML forms, arguments are submitted either via the query string or in the request body. Arguments for GET, PUT, and DELETE requests are always sent in the query string. POST arguments are typically sent in the request body, and may be submitted as either "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" (determined via the service proxy's encoding property). However, if a custom body is specified via the content parameter, POST arguments will be sent in the query string.

Any value may be used as an argument. However, NSNull values are ignored, and Date instances are converted to a 64-bit integer value representing epoch time (the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight on January 1, 1970).

Additionally, array instances represent multi-value parameters and behave similarly to <select multiple> tags in HTML. Further, when using the multi-part form data encoding, instances of URL represent file uploads and behave similarly to <input type="file"> tags in HTML forms. Arrays of URL values operate similarly to <input type="file" multiple> tags.

Return Values

The result handler is called upon completion of the operation. If successful, the first argument will contain a deserialized representation of the content returned by the server, and the second argument will be nil. Otherwise, the first argument will be nil, and the second will be populated with an Error instance describing the problem that occurred.

If a service returns an error response with a content type of "text/plain", the body of the response will be provided in the error's localized description.

Threading Considerations

While service requests are typically processed on a background thread, result handlers are always executed on the application's main thread. This allows a result handler to update the user interface directly, rather than posting a separate update operation to the main queue. Note that response handlers are executed in the background, before the result handler is invoked.


The following Swift code demonstrates how the WebServiceProxy class might be used to access a service that returns the first n values in the Fibonacci sequence:

let webServiceProxy = WebServiceProxy(session: URLSession.shared, serviceURL: serviceURL)

// GET test/fibonacci?count=8
webServiceProxy.invoke(.get, path: "test/fibonacci", arguments: [
    "count": 8
]) { [weak self] (result: Result<[Int], Error>) in
    // [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]


The Kilo framework is a universal binary that must be "trimmed" prior to submission to the App Store:

  • Place the script in your project root directory
  • Ensure that the script has execute permission (e.g. 744)
  • Create a new "Run Script" build phase after the "Embed Frameworks" phase
  • Rename the new build phase to "Trim Framework Executables" or similar (optional)
  • Invoke the script (e.g. "${SRCROOT}/" Kilo)

Additional Information

This guide introduced the Kilo framework and provided an overview of its key features. For additional information, see the examples.