KZSegmentedPageView 1.0.5

KZSegmentedPageView 1.0.5

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Zonily Jame Pesquera.


KZSegmentedPageView is a UIView Subclass that combines the functionality of UISegmentedControl and UIPageViewController

Table of Contents


To install KZSegmentedPageView via cocoapods, simply use the add this in your podfile and then run pod install

pod 'KZSegmentedPageView'

How to Use

After installing through Cocoapods simply import KZSegmentedPageView in your ViewController class

import KZSegmentedPageView

Then create a variable of type KZSegmentedPageView inside your ViewController

class ViewController:UIViewController {
    var segmentedPageView:KZSegmentedPageView!   

And finally initialize it inside the viewDidLoad() function of your class and add it as a subView to your ViewController’s view

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        segmentedPageView = KZSegmentedPageView()
        segmentedPageView.frame = self.view.bounds
        segmentedPageView.delegate = self

Together The code would look like this

import UIKit
import KZSegmentedPageView

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    var segmentedPageView:KZSegmentedPageView!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        segmentedPageView = KZSegmentedPageView()
        segmentedPageView.frame = self.view.bounds

Adding Segments

To add segments we need to make use of the KZSegment struct and add them to our KZSegmentedPageView.

KZSegment is a struct containing only 2 variables title:String and viewController:UIViewController

Initializing a KZSegment would look like this KZSegment(title: "First VC", viewController: SomeViewController())

To add segments we need to create an array of KZSegments and place add them to the KZSegmentedPageView after initialization like this:

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Let's make our ViewControllers first
        let firstViewController = UIViewController()
        firstViewController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor()

        let secondViewController = UIViewController()
        secondViewController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.orangeColor()

        // After making our UIViewController next we'll add them to the `segments` property of our KZSegmentedPageView
        segmentedPageView.segments = [
            KZSegment(title: "First VC", viewController: firstViewController),  
            KZSegment(title: "Second VC", viewController: secondViewController)



To recieve the delegate function’s you need to set the KZSegmentedPageView’s delegate to self

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        segmentedPageView.delegate = self

But this will create an error message because we still haven’t implemented our Delegate methods. To have access to the delegate methods we need to SubClass our ViewController to KZSegmentedPageViewDelegate

class ViewController:UIViewController, KZSegmentedPageViewDelegate {


extension ViewController, KZSegmentedPageViewDelegate {

Delegate Functions

There are Four Delegate functions

  • didUpdatePageCount
  • didUpdateSegmentIndex
  • willUpdatePageIndex
  • didSelectSegmentAtIndex

didUpdatePageCount will be triggered if we set the segments property of the segmentedPageView

    func segmentedPageView(segmentedPageView: KZSegmentedPageView, didUpdatePageCount count: Int) {
        print("Page count:", count)
        // do some code here

didUpdateSegmentIndex will be triggered if you’ve successfully changed from one segment/page to another

    func segmentedPageView(segmentedPageView: KZSegmentedPageView, didUpdateSegmentIndex index: Int) {


willUpdatePageIndex will be triggered if you’re currently trying to swipe left/right

    func segmentedPageView(segmentedPageView:KZSegmentedPageView, willUpdatePageIndex index:Int) {
        print("Will Update Page Index To", index, "with title", segmentedPageView.segments[index].title)

didSelectSegmentAtIndex will be triggered if we tap/click the UISegmentedControl of our KZSegmentedPageView

    func segmentedPageView(segmentedPageView:KZSegmentedPageView, didSelectSegmentAtIndex index:Int) {



We can customize how the KZSegmentedPageView would look like using these variables

  • scHeight This will customize the SegmentedControl’s height
  • scTintColor This will customize the SegmentedControl’s tintColor
  • scBackgroundColor This will customize the SegmentedControl’s backgroundColor
  • viewBackgroundColor This will customize the backgroundView’s backgroundColor (view behind SegmentedControl)
  • scPaddingTop, scPaddingLeft, scPaddingRight, scPaddingBottom This will customize the SegmentedControl’s Padding
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        segmentedPageView.scHeight = 45
        segmentedPageView.scTintColor = UIColor.GreyColor()
        segmentedPageView.scBackgroundColor = UIColor.BlueColor()
        segmentedPageView.scPaddingTop = 8
        segmentedPageView.scPaddingLeft = 8
        segmentedPageView.scPaddingRight = 8
        segmentedPageView.scPaddingBottom = 8
        segmentedPageView.viewBackgroundColor = UIColor.ClearColor()

Quick Note These properties should be IBInspectable but I’m still fixing some issue with Cocoapods regarding IBDesignables