KSGithubStatusAPI 0.2.3

KSGithubStatusAPI 0.2.3

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Keith Smiley.

  • By
  • Keith Smiley

This API Controller use Github's system status API and returns the current status


KSGithubStatusAPI *statusAPI = [[KSGithubStatusAPI alloc] init];
[statusAPI checkStatus:^(KSGithubStatus *status) {
    if (status.isAvailable) {
        NSLog(@"Github is available");
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Github isn't available");

    NSLog(@"Status: %@", status.status);
    NSLog(@"Details: %@", status.details);

    NSLog(@"Last Checked: %@", status.readableCreatedAtDate);
    NSLog(@"Last Checked: %@", statusAPI.readableLastCheckedDate);

    NSLog(@"Github updated date: %@", status.readableGithubUpdatedDate);


  1. Use CocoaPods, in your Podfile

    pod 'KSGithubStatusAPI', '~> 0.2.0'
  2. Add Reachability to your project. Add all .h and .m files to your project.