JxlSDWebImageCoder 1.3.1

JxlSDWebImageCoder 1.3.1

Maintained by https://github.com/awxkee/jxl-coder-swift.

Depends on:
SDWebImage>= 0
JxlCoder>= 0

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What's This?

This package is provides support for JXL ( JPEG XL ) images for all apple platforms. Supports encode JXL and decode JXL images in convinient and fast way

A package to decode JXL on iOS, MacOS or encode JXL images. Also provider JXL support for Nuke and SDWebImage. Have support for older versions of iOS, MacOSX and all the simulators that doesn't have support for JXL images

Supported ICC Profiles and HDR images.

Package based on libjxl
Main aim of the project is to use JXL image on all Apple platforms etc with usable speed and convenience

Precompiled for iOS 11+, Mac OS 11+


Swift Package Manager

Go to File / Swift Packages / Add Package Dependency… and enter package repository URL https://github.com/awxkee/jxl-coder-swift, then select the latest master branch at the time of writing.


import JxlCoder
// Decompress data
let uiImage: UIImage? = JXLCoder.decode(data: Data()) // or any max CGSize of image
// Compress
let data: Data = try JXLCoder.encode(data: UIImage())

Nuke Plugin

If you wish to use JXL with Nuke you may add JxlCoder library to project and activate the plugin on app init

Use code below in your project or add a pod JxlNukePlugin

public final class JxlNukePlugin: Nuke.ImageDecoding {
    public func decode(_ data: Data) throws -> Nuke.ImageContainer {
        guard try JXLCoder.isJXL(data: data) else { throw JXLNukePluginDecodeError() }
        let image = try JXLCoder.decode(data: data)
        return ImageContainer(image: image)

    public init() {

    public func decodePartiallyDownloadedData(_ data: Data) -> ImageContainer? {
        return nil

public struct JXLNukePluginDecodeError: LocalizedError, CustomNSError {
    public var errorDescription: String? {
        "JXL file cannot be decoded"

    public var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] {
        [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "JXL file cannot be decoded"]

// MARK: - check JXL format data.
extension JxlNukePlugin {

    public static func enable() {
        Nuke.ImageDecoderRegistry.shared.register { (context) -> ImageDecoding? in
            JxlNukePlugin.enable(context: context)

    public static func enable(context: Nuke.ImageDecodingContext) -> Nuke.ImageDecoding? {
        return try? JXLCoder.isJXL(data: context.data) ? JxlNukePlugin() : nil


Jxl SDWebImagePlugin

Use provided code or include pod JxlSDWebImageCoder

#if canImport(JxlCoder)
import JxlCoder
import SDWebImage

public class JxlSDWebImageCoder: NSObject, SDImageCoder {
    public override init() {

    public func canDecode(from data: Data?) -> Bool {
        guard let data else {
            return false
        return (try? JXLCoder.isJXL(data: data)) ?? false

    public func decodedImage(with data: Data?, options: [SDImageCoderOption : Any]? = nil) -> UIImage? {
        guard let data else {
            return nil
        return try? JXLCoder.decode(data: data)

    public func canEncode(to format: SDImageFormat) -> Bool {

    public func encodedData(with image: UIImage?, format: SDImageFormat, options: [SDImageCoderOption : Any]? = nil) -> Data? {
        guard let image else {
            return nil
        return try? JXLCoder.encode(image: image)

// after register the plugin

Currently, JXL nuke plugin do not support animated JXLs so you have to do it yourself


The JPEG XL call for proposals talks about the requirement of a next generation image compression standard with substantially better compression efficiency (60% improvement) comparing to JPEG. The standard is expected to outperform the still image compression performance shown by HEIC, AVIF, WebP, and JPEG 2000. It also provides efficient lossless recompression options for images in the traditional/legacy JPEG format.

JPEG XL supports lossy compression and lossless compression of ultra-high-resolution images (up to 1 terapixel), up to 32 bits per component, up to 4099 components (including alpha transparency), animated images, and embedded previews. It has features aimed at web delivery such as advanced progressive decoding[13] and minimal header overhead, as well as features aimed at image editing and digital printing, such as support for multiple layers, CMYK, and spot colors. It is specifically designed to seamlessly handle wide color gamut color spaces with high dynamic range such as Rec. 2100 with the PQ or HLG transfer function.


  • Tests
  • Some examples