JudoKit-iOS 3.4.0

JudoKit-iOS 3.4.0

Maintained by Judopay.

Depends on:
DeviceDNA= 2.1.0
TrustKit>= 0
Judo3DS2_iOS= 1.2.0
RavelinEncrypt= 1.1.1

  • By
  • Judopay

CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible License Platform Twitter


JudoKit_iOS is a framework for integrating easy, fast and secure payments inside your app with Judopay. It contains an exhaustive in-app payments and security toolkit that makes integration simple and quick.

Use our UI components for a seamless user experience for card data capture. Minimize your PCI scope with a UI that can be themed or customized to match the look and feel of your app.