JsonObject 0.1.0

JsonObject 0.1.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Brad Hilton.

  • By
  • Brad Hilton


Magical Swift JSON Modeling Framework

Working with JSON in Swift can be a pain. But it doesn’t have to be. JsonObject makes initializing your Swift class from a JSON dictionary a breeze and let’s you easily serialize it back!

Basic Usage

Let’s say you have some JSON like this:

{"id":"1025", "name":"Tom", "state":"CA"}

Just create a subclass of JsonObject like so:

class User: JsonObject {
    var id: NSNumber?
    var name: String?
    var state: String?

Now initializing our model with a JSON dictionary representation is a piece of cake:

let jsonDictionary = (A NSDictionary representation of your JSON Data)
if let user = User(dictionary: jsonDictionary) {
    (Do something with your new user)

Converting your user back into a JSON dictionary is also super easy:

let jsonDictionary = user.dictionary

That was easy.


JsonObject is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'JsonObject'

Model Specification

There are three different ways to specify your properties: default, optional or required.

1) Default: If you set your property with a default value and your JSON data doesn’t have that property, then your default value will remain as you specify.

2) Optional: If you declare an optional property then it may or may not have a value after you initialize your model.

3) Required: If you declare an implicitly unwrapped property, then JsonObject will make sure that your property has a value when initializing, or the initialization will fail. This keeps your models safe and makes it easy to specify which fields are required.

var defaultString: String = "Hello World" // This string will always have a value with the default being 'Hello World'
var optionalString: String? // This may or may not have a value after initalization
var requiredString: String! // If this property can't be set, then initialization will fail

Not all types can be set as optional or required types because of the way key-value coding works. See list below for supported Swift types:

Int // default only
Float // default only
Double // default only
Bool // default only
String // default, optional or required
Array // default, optional or required
Dictionary // default, optional or required

All NSObject subclasses (such as NSNumber, NSString, NSArray, etc.) can be represented as default, optional or required properties.

Key Mapping

Often JSON Data is represented in underscore case like so:


But we’d like our model to use camel case like this:

class User: JsonObject {
    var memberId: NSNumber!
    var isPublic: Bool = false
    var accountBalance: Float = 0.0

To have JsonObject automatically map underscore properties to camel case, we just implement this protocol:

class User: JsonObject, MapsUnderscoreCaseToCamelCase {
    var memberId: NSNumber!
    var isPublic: Bool = false
    var accountBalance: Float = 0.0

That was easy.


To support mapping of JSON values to your object properties and back, there is a protocol, JsonMapper:

protocol JsonMapper {
    func propertyValueFromJsonValue(value: JsonValue) -> AnyObject?
    func jsonValueFromPropertyValue(value: AnyObject) -> JsonValue?

JSON values are represented by the enum, JsonValue:

enum JsonValue {
    case String(NSString)
    case Number(NSNumber)
    case Array(NSArray)
    case Dictionary(NSDictionary)
    case Null(NSNull)

JsonObject comes with default mappers for the most commonly used types:


Your objects can include any of these properties, including other JsonObjects like so:

class User: JsonObject {
    var id: Int = 0
    var name: String!
    var isPublic: Bool = false
    var isMember: Bool = false
    var accountBalance: Float = 0.00
    var ranking: NSNumber!
    var spouse: User?
    var friends: [User]?
    var metadata: [String:[NSNumber]]?


Brad Hilton, [email protected]


JsonObject is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.