JokulIosSdk 1.0.0

JokulIosSdk 1.0.0

Maintained by DOKU.

  • By
  • PT Nusa Satu Inti Artha

Jokul iOS SDK

Official iOS SDK for Jokul API. Visit for more information about the product and for the technical documentation.

Table of Contents



Add pod repository to project with terminal

$ pod init 

Add these to your Podfile:

target 'MyApp' do  
  pod 'JokulIosSdk', '~> 1.0.0'  

Run these to install:

$ pod install


Implement Package

Add SDK to your project:

  • Select target
  • Select tab general
  • Select dropdown Framework, Libraries, and Embedded Content
  • add libJokulIosSdk.a

Setup Configuration

Get your Client ID and Shared Key from Jokul Back Office.

Virtual Account

To accept Virtual Account simply import <JokulSdk.h>:

JokulSdk *jokulSdk = [JokulSdk sharedInstance];
  [jokulSdk connectVa: self
       paymentChannel: (int) self.channelCode
             clientId: getClientId
         merchantName: getMerchantName
        customerEmail: email
         customerName: name
           dataAmount: self.amount
          expiredTime: expiredTime
        invoiceNumber: self.invoiceNumber
         isProduction: getValueEnvironmentServer
       reusableStatus: reusableStatus
        usePageResult: getValueActivePageResult
            sharedKey: getSharedKey];

Mandiri VA

To use Mandiri VA, simply change the paymentChannel: (int) self.channelCodeDemo to:

paymentChannel: (int) self.mandiriVa

Mandiri Syariah VA

To use Mandiri VA, simply change the paymentChannel: (int) self.channelCodeDemo to:

paymentChannel: (int) self.mandiriSyariahVa


Please refer to this repo for the example project: Jokul iOS Example.

Help and Support

Got any issues? Found a bug? Have a feature requests? You can open new issue.

For further information, you can contact us on [email protected].