Jabberwocky Head Tracking Kit Core Binary for iOS
Head Tracking Cursor for any iOS app!
The Jabberwocky® Head Tracking Kit Core (JabberwockyHTKitCore
) is an open-source iOS framework, developed by Swiftable LLC, to provide a touch-free interface for existing iOS applications. The JabberwockyHTKitCore
is a proprietary framework used by JabberwockyHTKit
to provide facial gesture analysis and cursor positioning based off of head movement. JabberwockyHTKitCore
is closed source, unlike JabberwockyHTKit
, but is available under the Permissive Binary License which means it is free to distribute in its binary form, without modification, provided the conditions of the license are met.
Both JabberwockyHTKit
and JabberwockyHTKitCore
are available in the Jabberwocky CocoaPods Spec Repo and may be pushed to the master CocoaPods repo in the future.
See JabberwockyHTKit for more information on installation, integration, examples, and tutorials.
What Does JabberwockyHTKitCore Do?
consists primarily of a UIViewController
called HTCameraViewController
that analyzes camera input and emits NSNotification
s for cursor position updates and facial gesture triggers.
Configuration and initialization of HeadTrackingCore
can be found in HeadTracking from JabberwockyHTKit
. See NSNotification
definitions in JabberwockyHTKitCore-Swift.h for more information on what notifications are emitted from HTCameraViewController
. You can see examples of these in use in HTFeature
implementations in JabberwockyHTKit.
CocoaPods Installation
- Create the following
and change$YOUR_TARGET
source 'https://github.com/swiftablellc/jabberwocky-specs-repo.git'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '12.0'
target '$YOUR_TARGET' do
pod 'JabberwockyHTKitCore'
- Install the Pod
pod install
Jabberwocky® is a registered trademark of Swiftable LLC.