JTQRCode 1.0.0

JTQRCode 1.0.0

Maintained by ‘JamesThang’.

JTQRCode 1.0.0


iOS 15.0+ Pod Version Swift Package Manager License

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Features
  5. QRGenerator
  6. QRScanner
  7. QRScanningButton
  8. Torch
  9. Author


JTQRCode is a powerful SwiftUI framework that simplifies the integration of QR code functionality into your iOS applications. With a suite of customizable components, our SDK allows you to generate, display, and scan QR codes effortlessly, enhancing the user experience within your app.


Platform Minimum Version
iOS 15.0


This project can be installed using Swift Package Manager and CocoaPod.

Swift Package Manager

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Navigate to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  3. Paste the repository URL: https://github.com/Enryun/JTQRCode
  4. Follow the prompts to add the package to your project.

For more details on using Swift Package Manager, visit Apple's Swift Package Manager documentation.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. See the Get Started section for more details.

Add the following entry to your Podfile:

pod 'JTQRCode'

Then run pod install.

Don't forget to import JTQRCode in every file you'd like to use it.


  • SwiftUI Focused: Specifically designed for SwiftUI, ensuring smooth integration and native performance on iOS devices.
  • User-Friendly: Intuitive APIs and components reduce development time and complexity.
  • High Performance: Utilizes optimized algorithms and Core Image for fast QR code generation and scanning.
  • Customizable Components: Easily adjust sizes, colors, and styles to fit your app's theme.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Includes detailed guides and examples to help you get started quickly.



QRGeneratorView is a SwiftUI view component that generates and displays a QR code from various input types.

QRGeneratorView(input: .url(URL(string: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesthang/")!))
QRGeneratorView(input: .string("CommonSwiftUI"))
QRGeneratorView(input: .data(Data("James Thang".utf8)))

QRGeneratorView creates a QR code image based on the provided input, which can be a String, URL, or Data. It displays the generated QR code image or an error message if the QR code generation fails.


  • input: The data used to generate the QR code, specified by the QRCodeInputType enumeration.


Defines the types of inputs that can be used to generate a QR code in QRGeneratorView.


  • string: A simple string to be encoded into a QR code.
  • url: A URL object representing a web address.
  • data: Arbitrary data, such as binary encoded information.

This enumeration simplifies the process of selecting and processing different kinds of data to generate a QR code.

This component simplifies the process of QR code generation and display within SwiftUI views, handling different input types seamlessly.


The QRCodeGenerator provides static methods to create QR code images from different data sources such as strings, URLs, and binary data. It utilizes Core Image's built-in QR code generation capabilities to transform input data into visual QR code formats that can be scanned by QR code readers.


  • Generate QR Codes from Strings, URLs, or Data: Easily create QR codes from common data types.
  • Customization Options: Specify size, colors, error correction levels, and embed logos.
  • Error Handling: Methods throw QRCodeGenerationError to provide detailed error information.


  • generateQRCode(from string: String, ...): Generates a QR code image from a string.
  • generateQRCode(from url: URL, ...): Generates a QR code image from a URL.
  • generateQRCode(from data: Data, ...): Generates a QR code image directly from binary data.

A utility struct for generating QR codes from various types of inputs with options for customization.


A robust QR code scanner view for SwiftUI, providing interactive scanning capabilities.

QRScannerView(isScanning: $isScanning) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let code):
        print("Scanned code: \(code)")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Scanning failed: (error.localizedDescription)")


  • isScanning: A binding to control the scanning process.
  • showScanningAnimation: A Boolean value that determines whether to show a scanning animation.
  • scanningTint: The color of the scanning animation.
  • showTorch: A Boolean value that determines whether to show a torch toggle button.
  • showErrorAlert: A Boolean value that determines whether to show an alert on scanning errors.
  • completion: A closure executed with the scanning result, returning a String on success or an Error on failure.

QRScannerView integrates camera functionality to scan QR codes and handle the results dynamically through a completion handler. It supports customization of scanning animation and error handling.

@State var isScanning: Bool = false
@State var successResult: String = ""

var body: some View {
    VStack(spacing: 20) {
        QRScannerView(isScanning: $isScanning, showScanningAnimation: true, showErrorAlert: false) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let result):
                successResult = result
            case .failure(let error):
                print("This is Error Cases")
        Button("Start Scanning") {
            successResult = ""
            isScanning = true
        Button("Stop Scanning") {
            successResult = ""
            isScanning = false

This component is designed to provide a seamless integration of QR scanning functionality within your SwiftUI applications, enhancing user interaction and data capture capabilities.


A customizable button for initiating QR code scanning in SwiftUI.

QRScanningButton { }


  • color: The foreground color of the QR code icon inside the button.
  • backgroundColor: The background color of the button.
  • shape: The shape of the button, conforming to the Shape protocol.
  • showsScanningAnimation: A Boolean that determines whether a scanning animation is shown.
  • action: The closure executed when the button is tapped.

This view component creates a button designed for QR code scanning functionalities. It incorporates an optional scanning animation and can be styled extensively with colors and custom shapes.

QRScanningButton(color: .white, backgroundColor: .purple) {
    // Toggle Scanning using the QRScannerView from this SDK
.frame(width: 80, height: 80, alignment: .center)

This setup uses a QRScanningButton with a rounded rectangle shape, changing state when tapped, triggering a scanning animation.


Manages the torch mode on a device with camera capabilities.

TorchControl(isOn: false)


  • isOn: A Bool that indicates whether the torch should be on or off.

TorchControl provides an interface to toggle the torch (flashlight) of a device's camera on or off. It reacts to changes in the isOn property to control the torch state.

@StateObject var torchState = TorchControl(isOn: false)

var body: some View {
    VStack {
        Toggle(isOn: $torchState.isOn) {
            Text("Torch Mode")
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            Text("Toggle Torch")

This class utilizes AVCaptureDevice to manage the torch settings and handles configuration and error states internally. Ensure that the device has a torch and the app has the necessary permissions to use the camera.


James Thang, find me on LinkedIn