JPromise 1.2.0

JPromise 1.2.0

Maintained by Jams.

JPromise 1.2.0

  • By
  • jams


CI Status Version License Platform


JPromise is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'JPromise'


JPromise是基于promisesPromiseKit 的封装,旨在处理一些复杂的业务流程,通过j_then方法将相关操作串联起来,提供 fulfill reject 来对该操作进行选择继续处理或拒绝。


1.初始化 JPromise

promiseWithValue: 方法传入的对象若为 NSError,则相当于 promiseWithBlock: 方法调用了 JPromiseRejectBlock,反之,等同于调用了 JPromiseFulfillBlock

  • promiseWithValue:
BOOL successful = YES;
id value = successful ? @(1) : [NSError errorWithReason:@"failed"];

JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithValue:value];
  • promiseWithBlock:
JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithBlock:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock  _Nonnull fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock  _Nonnull reject) {
    BOOL successful = YES;
    if (successful) {
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"fail in promise block"]);

2. j_then 方法

j_then: 方法对应的block为可变参数block,目的是为了支持不定参数的声明方式。这样可能会造成代码的一些不便捷,为了解决这个问题,可以参考下面的自定义代码块。

JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithBlock:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock  _Nonnull fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock  _Nonnull reject) {
    BOOL successful = YES;
    if (successful) {
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"fail in promise block"]);

[[promise j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){
    // do something
    BOOL successful = YES;
    if (successful) {
        NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"value-%@", value];
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"fail in then block"]);
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *value){
    // do something

关于 j_then操作中的参数定义通常为 (JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseReject reject, xxx),前两个为固定参数,后面的参数需与上一个fulfill传入的对象相同。

fullfil(@(1)) -> j_then:^(..., NSNumber *value) -> fulfill(string) -> j_then:^(..., NSString *value)

3. j_catch 方法

若在流程中调用了 JPromiseRejectBlock ,则会中断整个流程,并在 j_catch 方法中获取到对应的 NSError对象。

JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithBlock:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock  _Nonnull fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock  _Nonnull reject) {
    BOOL successful = NO;
    if (successful) {
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"fail in promise block"]);

[[promise j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){
    // do something
    BOOL successful = YES;
    if (successful) {
        NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"value-%@", value];
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"fail in then block"]);
}] j_catch:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
    // error: fail in promise block

4. j_always 方法

当流程处理完成或被中断,j_always 方法都会被调用。可以考虑在这做一些通用的业务,比如业务请求失败或成功后隐藏loading视图。

JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithBlock:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock  _Nonnull fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock  _Nonnull reject) {
    BOOL successful = NO;
    if (successful) {
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"fail in promise block"]);

[[[promise j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){
    BOOL successful = YES;
    if (successful) {
        NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"value-%@", value];
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"fail in then block"]);
}] j_catch:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
    // error: fail in promise block
}] j_always:^{
    // do some common things

对于 j_always 方法需要注意一点:对于最后一个 j_then 方法必须要调用 fulfill block 将数据传往下传递,若数据并非业务需要,传递为 nil 即可。

[[[[[JPromise promiseWithValue:@(1)] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){
    fulfill([NSString stringWithFormat:@"value-%@", value]);
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *value){
    fulfill(@[value, @"value2"]);
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSArray *values){
    // 完成流程后,为了保证`j_always`方法被调用,需要调用fulfill
}] j_always:^{


1. j_then 方法的多参数传递

JPromiseFulfillBlock 只能传递一个 id 参数,若流程中需要传递多个参数,则可使用 JPromiseArr 宏,内部会将其转换为一个 JPromiseArray 对象,并在下面的 j_then 方法中按传入顺序分别添加到 j_then block 中。

[[[[JPromise promiseWithBlock:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock  _Nonnull fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock  _Nonnull reject) {

    fulfill(JPromiseArr(@"num1", @(2)));
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill,JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *str, NSNumber *num){

    fulfill(@[str, num]);
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSArray *arr){

    NSDictionary *dict = @{@"key1": @"value1", @"key2" : @(2)};
    fulfill(JPromiseArr(arr, dict, @3, @4, @5, @6));
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulFill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSArray *arr, NSDictionary *dict, NSNumber *num3, NSNumber *num4, NSNumber *num5, NSNumber *num6){
    // do something
  • j_then block 的参数:前两个参数固定为 JPromiseFulfillBlockJPromiseRejectBlock,后面的参数则为 JPromiseArr 传递进来的参数。
JPromiseArr(@"num1", @(2)) -> (..., NSString *str, NSNumber *num)
JPromiseArr(arr, dict, @3, @4, @5, @6) -> (..., NSArray *arr, NSDictionary *dict, NSNumber *num3, NSNumber *num4, NSNumber *num5, NSNumber *num6)
  • JPromiseArr 宏最多支持6个参数,若超过这个限制,则会出错,针对这种场景,可以考虑使用NSArray对象。

2. JPromise 的异步操作

使用 onQueue:j_then: 方法,可以使得 j_then 中的 block 可以在传入的 queue 中执行。

[[[[JPromise promiseWithBlock:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock  _Nonnull fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock  _Nonnull reject) {
    // in main queue
    fulfill(@"first string");
}] onQueue:dispatch_queue_create("queue1", 0) j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *str){
    // in queue1
    fulfill(JPromiseArr(str, @"second string"));
}] onQueue:dispatch_queue_create("queue2", 0) j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *str1, NSString *str2){
    // in queue2
    fulfill(JPromiseArr(str1, str2, @"third string"));
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *str1, NSString *str2, NSString *str3){
    // in main queue

j_then 方法是在主队列中执行的,不会延续上一个 onQueue:j_then: 中所传递的 queue

使用 j_thenAsync: 方法,使其在默认的异步队列 JPromise.defaultAsyncQueue中执行异步操作

[[[[JPromise promiseWithBlock:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock  _Nonnull fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock  _Nonnull reject) {
}] j_thenAsync:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock rejct, NSNumber *value){
    // in default async queue
    fulfill([NSString stringWithFormat:@"value-%@", value]);
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *value){
    // in main queue
    fulfill(JPromiseArr(value, @"value-2"));
}] j_thenAsync:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock rejct, NSString *str1, NSString *str2){
    // in default async queue

3. JPromise的生命周期

一般而言,JPromise 对象的生命周期是与外部调用者无关的,比如在一个 ViewController 调用了 JPromise 对象去执行异步操作,如果 ViewController 被释放了,而 JPromise 对象未执行完,它会继续执行完成,并回调相关 block

若业务场景需要将 JPromise 对象和外部调用者生命周期绑定,则可以在创建 JPromise 时,调用 promiseWithValue:targetpromiseWithBlock:target 方法,通常 target 为外部调用者 self。内部会持有外部调用者的弱引用,当调用者被释放后,JPromise 流程会被自动取消,并通过 j_cancel 方法通知给外部。

JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithValue:@(1) target:self]; //传入外部调用者self
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.j.promise.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);

[[[[[[promise onQueue:queue j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){
    // 模拟耗时
    fulfill([NSString stringWithFormat:@"value-%@", value]);
}] onQueue:queue j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *value){
    // 模拟耗时
    fulfill(JPromiseArr(value, @(2)));
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *str, NSNumber *num){
    // 完成流程
}] j_catch:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
}] j_cancel:^{
   // 若流程被取消,这里会被回调
}] j_always:^{
   // 对于取消事件,这里不会被回调,只会监听到流程结束或中断事件

4. 点操作

  • JPromise 的点操作
JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithValue:@(1)];
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("queue", 0);

promise.j_then(^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){

    fulfill([NSString stringWithFormat:@"value-%@", value]);
}).j_thenOn(queue, ^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSString *value){

    fulfill(@[value, @"string2"]);
}).j_then(^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSArray *value){

    BOOL success = YES;
    if (success) {
    } else {
        reject([NSError errorWithReason:@"j-promsie-thenblock2 error"]);
}).j_then(^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){

}).j_catch(^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {




5. j_all 方法

j_all 方法:传入一个 NSArray<JPromise *> 对象,保证 NSArray 中的 JPromise 对象都完成后,回调 j_then block,若其中一个对象出错,则回调 j_catch block。

JPromise *allPromises = [JPromise j_all:@[promise1, promise2, promise3]];
[[allPromises j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSArray *values){
    // 完成所有promise
}] j_catch:^(NSError *error) {
    // 其中一个promise出错


1. 自定义代码块

上面提及到了 JPromiseThenBlock 为一个可变参数的 block,而在 block内需要根据业务进行 fulfillreject 操作。因此,手动在 JPromiseThenBlock 中添加 JPromiseFulfillBlockJPromiseRejectBlock 参数。为了避免这种方式的不便捷性,可以通过自定义代码块来实现。

x-code在代码中右键->create code snippet

  • j_then 操作
summary: JPromise中的j_then操作
completion: j_then

j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, <#parameters#>){
  • onQueue:j_then操作
summary: JPromise中onQueue:j_then操作
completion: onQueue

onQueue:<#dispatchQueue#> j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, <#parameters#>){
  • j_thenAsync 操作
summary: JPromise中j_thenAsync操作
completion: j_thenAsync

j_thenAsync:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock rejct, <#parameters#>){


  • j_then 的点操作
summary: JPromise中j_then的点操作
completion: j_then

j_then(^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, <#parameters#>){
  • j_thenOn 的点操作
summary: JPromise中的j_thenOn点操作
completion: j_thenOn

j_thenOn(<#dispatchQueue#>, ^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, <#parameters#>){
  • j_thenAsync的点操作
summary: JPromise中的j_thenAsync点操作
completion: j_thenAsync

j_thenAsync(^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, <#parameters#>){
  • j_catch 的点操作
summary: JPromise中的j_catch点操作
completion: j_catch

j_catch(^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
  • j_always 的点操作
summary: JPromise中的j_always点操作
completion: j_always

  • j_cancel 的点操作
summary: JPromise中的j_cancel点操作
completion: j_cancel



2. 常见误区

  • 误区1: JPromise 初始化后,后面的操作都可以使用。
JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithValue:@(1)];
[[promise j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){
    // receive: @(1)
    fulfill(JPromiseArr(value, @"string"));
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value, NSString *string){
    // receive: @(1), @"string"
    fulfill(@[value, string]);

[promise j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSArray *arr){
    //error:这里获取的并不是上面传递的 @[@(1), @"string"], 而是最开始的传递的 @(1) !!!

实际上 JPromise 每调用一次方法,都会创建一个新的 JPromise对象。因此,如果要继续延续上面的操作,应该使用上一个返回的 JPromise对象,而不是最开始初始化的对象。如下所示:

JPromise *promise = [JPromise promiseWithValue:@(1)];

JPromise *promise2 = [[promise j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value){

    fulfill(JPromiseArr(value, @"string"));
}] j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSNumber *value, NSString *string){

    // receive: @(1), @"string"
    fulfill(@[value, string]);

// 使用上面返回的对象,而非最开始初始化的对象
[promise2 j_then:^(JPromiseFulfillBlock fulfill, JPromiseRejectBlock reject, NSArray *arr){
    //receive: @[@(1), @"string"]


jams, [email protected]


JPromise is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.