JBPerformanceLogger 1.0.0

JBPerformanceLogger 1.0.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2015

Maintained by Josip Bernat.

Performance logger suitable for measuring number of frames per second in iOS applications.

alt tag


platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'JBPerformanceLogger'


I always wanted to measure performance of UITableView during scroll and I liked way how game engines display FPS number. Hope this will be good replacement for that feature.

Call start to start it. It will automatically appear in key window.

[JBPerformanceLogger start];

Call stop to stop it. It will automatically dissappear from key window.

[JBPerformanceLogger stop];

You can adjust it's position in window, offset and text color. It uses PureLayout library for adding NSLayoutConstraints and positioning in window.

[JBPerformanceLogger setPosition:JBPerformanceLoggerPositionBottom | setPosition:JBPerformanceLoggerPositionLeft];
[JBPerformanceLogger setTextColor:[UIColor greenColor]];


Feel free to raise an issue if you find bug or you have some suggestion for improving it.