InfiniteNavigationController-iOS 1.1.0

InfiniteNavigationController-iOS 1.1.0

Maintained by Allan melo.

  • By
  • Allan Melo


Library to keep the stack of view controllers limited in memory. Make your app with infinite navigation with low memory use. Allows the users to create a state model of your view controller, making possible destroy and reconstruct when is necessary.

How to use ?

You only need to implement the StackProcotol on your view controller like:

extension ViewController: StackProtocol {
    func getStateModel() -> StackItem {
        return StackItem(viewController: { stateModel in
            if let (title, sliderValue) = stateModel as? (String, Float) {
                    You can get your stateModel to
                    instantiate your ViewController if you are using XIB's
                    \(title), \(sliderValue)
            let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
            return storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "defaultViewController")
        }, stateModel: (title, slider.value))
    func setState(model: StackItem) {
        if let (text, value) = model.stateModel as? (String, Float) {
            title = text
            sliderValue = value
  • On getStateModel() method, you need return a StackItem object. StackItem has two parameters:

    • A block to return your view controller (this allow the users to use Storyboard or XIB's)
    • A state model, to persist any state that the user want.
  • setState() method is optional, you implement if you need to restore the state of your view again.



  1. You need CocoaPods installed.

  2. Create a file called Podfile in your project and add the following line:

    pod 'InfiniteNavigationController-iOS'
  3. Run $ pod install.

  4. This will download the latest version of the SDK and create a .xcworkspace file, use that file to open your project in Xcode.