InboxKit 0.0.6

InboxKit 0.0.6

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Ben Gotow.

Depends on:
FMDB>= 0
AFNetworking~> 2.0

InboxKit 0.0.6

Inbox iOS SDK

Using InboxKit as a Framework

The Inbox Xcode project declares two framework targets that you can use in your projects if you're not interested in using Cocoapods.

  • For General Use: The Inbox-Mk8 framework target is compatible with iOS 7+ and Xcode 5. It uses the "Real" Framework target template assembled by Karl Stenerud. To build it, download and install the "Real" framework template into Xcode. This allows you to make Xcode frameworks, right from the "New Project" menu. Unfortunately, this approach is broken in Xcode 6 and will likely be replaced by Xcode 6's new Cocoa Touch Framework.

  • For Xcode 6 / iOS 8: The Inbox framework target is an Xcode 6 "Cocoa Touch Framework". This means that you need Xcode 6 to compile the framework, and it can only be used in apps that target iOS 8 and above. We anticipate that Xcode 6 will be out of beta before the widespread release of the Inbox hosted service, and plan for this to eventually be the only version of the framework.


See the Inbox iOS Documentation for getting started guides and the Inbox API Reference for information about Inbox's REST API. Class-level documentation has been compiled with AppleDoc and published to the gh-pages branch of this repository.

Testing & Linting

To run tests within Xcode, choose Product > Test from the menu.

To run OCLint, choose the OCLint target and make sure you have OCLint installed. Download it and follow the installation instructions to add it to your $PATH. OCLint is really customizable, and we'll be using it in the future to do static analysis beyond what Xcode's analyzer provides. Check out this article for a few examples of what OClint can do.

Compiling the Documentation

Xcode DocSet format:

appledoc --include ./Documentation/. --index-desc ./Documentation/index-template.txt -o ./ -p "Inbox iOS SDK Documentation" -v 1.0 -c "Inbox App, Inc." --company-id com.inbox.ios -d -n --docset-bundle-id com.inbox.ios  --docset-bundle-name "Inbox iOS SDK Documentation"  --ignore=JSON --docset-copyright 2014 ./Inbox

HTML format:

appledoc --include ./Documentation/. --no-create-docset --index-desc ./Documentation/index-template.txt -o ./ -p "Inbox iOS SDK Documentation" -v 1.0 -c "Inbox App, Inc." --company-id com.inbox.ios --ignore=JSON ./Inbox

Recommended Development Tools

The Charles web development proxy makes it easy to inspect network activity while the app is running.

Navicat for SQLLite allows you to interact with the app's SQLLite cache while the app is running.

Example Apps

Note: Most of the sample apps use Cocoapods. To run one of the demo apps, cd to the project directory and run pod install. If you haven't used cocoapods before, you'll need to install it by doing sudo gem install cocoapods

EightBall (Swift)

The EightBall app displays a single unread thread from your Inbox. When you shake the device, it marks it as read and shows another thread.


The 'Triage' demo app showcases the use of an INModelProvider to display threads from your mailbox, and the use of the INMessageContentView for displaying message bodies in custom views.

Video of Triage in Action


The 'SnapMail' demo is a snapchat-style app that allows you to send and receive photos. Instead of using a custom backend, it uses your inbox—messages with the subject 'New snap from *' are displayed, and sending a snap sends an email to the recipient with the image attached. You can view the image attached to a 'New Snap' email with a snapchat-style peek interaction.


The Simple Mail app displays a list of threads in your Inbox using an INModelProvider and allows you to archive them. As we open-source more UI components, SimpleMail will be expanded to allow you to view and compose messages as well.

Core Principles

There are several core design principles at the heart of the Inbox iOS SDK.

  1. Observing Model Objects: In the Inbox SDK, model objects (like the classes for messages and threads) broadcast NSNotifications when they're modified. Controllers (and in some cases views) that display these models should subscribe to them in NSNotificationCenter to refresh UI when changes have occurred. Using the NSNotificationCenter API, you can subscribe to a particular object like this:

    INContact * contact = <contact being displayed>;
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateUI) name:INModelObjectChangedNotification object:contact];
  2. Uniqued Models: Only one copy of each model object should exist at any given time. For example, if several emails reference the same contact, they should all hold references to the same instance of INContact. This is important for ensuring that subscribing to a model via NSNotifications works, and that updates to a model are properly propogated through the app.

    This principle is enforced in the model layer using an NSMapTable object cache. When models are fetched from the database or returned from an API call, the app queries the object cache for each object ID. If an object already exists in the object cache, that existing object is updated and returned. If it doesn’t exist in the object cache, it’s added.

  3. Model Providers: In the Inbox SDK, you fetch objects (threads, messages, etc.) by creating instances of INModelProvider and defining the view you want (for example, unread threads from [email protected]). Model providers expose a result set via a simple delegate API and ensure that results are as current as possible.

    Using a model provider is slightly more complicated than issuing a simple API request, but implementing the INModelProvider delegate protocol ensures that your application is designed for the kind of real-time, asynchronous updates that users expect of modern mail apps. Right now, INModelProvider makes API calls and retrieves objects from a local SQLite cache. In the future, it may connect to Inbox via a socket and stream new results to your app in real time. Implementing the INModelProvider delegate protocol ensures that your app will immediately support these future improvements.