ImojiSDK 2.3.4

ImojiSDK 2.3.4

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2016

Maintained by Nima Macbook.

ImojiSDK 2.3.4

  • By
  • Nima Khoshini and Alex Hoang

Imoji SDK


Sign up for a free developer account at to get your API keys


Initiate the client id and api token for ImojiSDK. You can add this to the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // setup imoji sdk
    [[ImojiSDK sharedInstance] setClientId:[[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:@"client-id"]

    return YES;

Animated Stickers!!

alt tag Courtesy of Iconka!

Imoji versions 2.0.2 and higher have support for loading animated stickers. The ImojiSDK uses YYImage to load and display animated content for efficient loading.

When rendering the Imoji, make sure to set renderAnimatedIfSupported to YES for the IMImojiObjectRenderingOptions instance. This'll instruct the rendering class to download and render animated content.

Your application will need to either use YYAnimatedImageView (bundled in ImojiSDK) instead of UIImageView's or extract the contents of the animated gif into your own view (ex: FLAnimatedImage). YYAnimatedImageView's are a drop in replacement for UIImageView's so you can simply use that for all images (animated or still) if you wish.

Loading Animated content using YYAnimatedImageView:

IMImojiObject *imoji;
IMImojiObjectRenderingOptions *options = [IMImojiObjectRenderingOptions optionsWithRenderSize:IMImojiObjectRenderSizeThumbnail];
options.renderAnimatedIfSupported = YES;

YYAnimatedImageView* view = [YYAnimatedImageView new];

[imojiSession renderImoji:imoji
                 callback:^(UIImage *image, NSError *renderError) {
                     view.image = image;

To extract animated content, you can perform the following:

IMImojiObject *imoji;
IMImojiObjectRenderingOptions *options = [IMImojiObjectRenderingOptions optionsWithRenderSize:IMImojiObjectRenderSizeThumbnail];
options.renderAnimatedIfSupported = YES;

[imojiSession renderImoji:imoji
                 callback:^(UIImage *image, NSError *renderError) {
                     if (imoji.supportsAnimation && [image isKindOfClass:[YYImage class]]) {
                         YYImage *yyImage = (YYImage *) image;
                         NSData *animatedImageData = yyImage.animatedImageData;
                         // load animated data into view