IMFData 1.2.0

IMFData 1.2.0

License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2015

Maintained by IBM Bluemix Mobile SDKs.

IMFData 1.2.0

  • By
  • IBM MobileFirst platform for iOS.

MobileFirst Platform for iOS SDK for IBM Bluemix

This package contains the required native components to interact with the IBM MobileFirst Platform for iOS. The SDK manages all the communication and security integration between the iOS mobile app and with the MobileFirst Platform for iOS in Bluemix.

When you use Bluemix to create an application, multiple services are provisioned under a single application context. Your mobile application is given access to the following mobile services: Advanced Mobile Access (which includes security, analytics, and logging), Push for iOS8, and Cloudant NoSQL DB.

Version: 1.0.0

Installing the SDK

Install the SDK with CocoaPods. Using CocoaPods can significantly shorten the startup time for new projects and lessen the burden of managing library version requirements and dependencies.

To install CocoaPods, see CocoaPods Getting Started. If you are using a sample, a pod file is included for you.

SDK contents

The complete SDK consists of a core, plus a collection of pods that correspond to functions that are exposed by the MobileFirst Platform for iOS. Each piece of the iOS SDK is available as a separate pod through CocoaPods, that you can add to your project individually. The MobileFirst Platform for iOS SDK contains the following pods, any of which you can add to your project:

  • IMFCore: Implements core services such as networking, logging and analytics and security and authorization.
  • IMFData: Implements security integration between IMFCore and CloudantToolkit.
  • CloudantToolkit: Enables interaction with both local and remote Cloudant datastores.
  • IMFPush: Enables push notification support.
  • IMFFacebookAuthentication: Enables Facebook as an identity provider with the Advanced Mobile Access service.
  • IMFGoogleAuthentication: Enables Google as an identity provider with the Advanced Mobile Access service.
  • IMFURLProtocol: Enables use of IMFURLProtocol (NSURLRequest).

Supported iOS levels

  • iOS 7
  • iOS 8

Getting started

Connectivity and interaction between your mobile app and the Bluemix services depends on the application ID and application route that are associated with Bluemix application.

The IMFClient API is the entry point for interacting with the SDK. You must invoke the initializeWithBackendRoute: backendGUID: method before any other API calls. IMFClient provides information about the current SDK level and access to service SDKs. This method is usually in the application delegate of your mobile app.

An example of initializing the MobileFirst Platform for iOS SDK follows:

// Initialize SDK with IBM Bluemix application ID and route
IMFClient *imfClient = [IMFClient sharedInstance];
[imfClient initializeWithBackendRoute:<app route> backendGUID:appId];
// Initialize SDK with IBM Bluemix application ID and route
IMFClient.sharedInstance().initializeWithBackendRoute(applicationRoute, backendGUID: applicationId);

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