IMFCompatibility 7.1.0

IMFCompatibility 7.1.0

License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2015

Maintained by IBM Bluemix Mobile SDKs, Orta Therox.

  • By
  • IBM MobileFirst platform for iOS.

IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation iOS SDK

This package contains the required native components for your application to interact with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation or IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation for iOS. IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation and IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation for iOS provide an on-premises backend server and infrastructure for managing MobileFirst applications. The SDK manages all of the communication and security integration between your iOS mobile app and IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation or IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation for iOS.

In addition, this SDK offers a compatibility layer, which enables you to migrate client applications that were developed for IBM MobileFirst Platform for iOS on IBM Bluemix to an on-premises IBM MobileFirst server without requiring major changes to existing code.

Installing and using the SDK

Install the SDK with CocoaPods. To install CocoaPods, see CocoaPods Getting Started. The SDK is downloaded when you run the pod install command, after you specify the SDK source path in your podfile. For more information, see:

SDK contents

The IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation iOS SDK consists of a collection of pods, available through CocoaPods, that you can add to your project. The pods correspond to core and additional functions that are exposed by IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation or IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation for iOS. The SDK contains the following pods:

  • IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation: This module is the core of the system. It implements client-server connections, and handles security, calling adapters, and other required functions.
  • IMFCompatibility: Simplifies migration from IBM Bluemix. Specify this pod in your podfile if you are migrating client applications that were developed for IBM MobileFirst Platform for iOS on Bluemix to IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation or IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation for iOS.
  • IMFDataLocal: Provides security integration between IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation or IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation for iOS and the Cloudant(R) Toolkit. Specify this pod in your podfile if you intend to add OAuth security integration when accessing Cloudant in your app.
  • CloudantToolkitLocal: Enables interaction with Cloudant data stores. Specify this pod in your podfile if you intend to use Cloudant in your app for local and remote database storage.

All of the pods depend on the IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation pod, so specifying it or any of the other pods will cause IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation to be included. IMFDataLocal is dependent on CloudantToolkitLocal, so specifying IMFDataLocal will cause CloudantToolkit to be included.

Supported iOS levels

  • iOS 6
  • iOS 7
  • iOS 8

Getting started

Get started with the following tutorials:

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Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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