IKLocation 1.0

IKLocation 1.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License BSD
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Andres Canal.

If you need to get the device location in multiple sections of the app CLLocationManager may be a solution. CLLocationManager is a wrapper to avoid using multiple CLLocationManager across an application. All delegates added to IKLocation are notified when the location is available or when the refresh method is called. IKLocation automatically removes object when those are deallocated.

Installation and usage

  1. Copy IKLocation.h and IKLocation.m to your project.
  2. Call [IKLocation sharedClient] when you want your app to prompt the user to allow access location.
  3. Implement IKLocationDelegate
  4. Add all the objects that implements the delegate. [[IKLocation sharedLocation] setDelegate:self];
  5. Implement ikManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation: and if you want ikManagerDidFailWithError:

You can add as many delegates as you want. The wrapper is using a NSPointerArray to avoid reference cycles.

The app also exposes the following properties:

  • location: (CLLocation *) Current location
  • oldLocation: (CLLocation *) Previous location
  • latitude: (CGFloat) Current latitude
  • longitude: (CGFloat) Current longitude
  • city: (NSString *) Current city
  • state: (NSString *) Current state
  • country: (NSString *) Current country

The app also exposes the following methods:

  • isLocationAvailable: Returns true if a location is available.
  • refresh: Updates the location.