ICConfetti 0.0.1

ICConfetti 0.0.1

Maintained by Ishan Chhabra.


It's raining confetti. 🎉

crafted with by Ishan Chhabra

swift 5.0 pod 0.0.1 license MIT platform IOS

author Ishan Chhabra

Description 🗣

Adding delight with confetti. ICConfetti lets you rain confetti in your views. 🎉

Preview 📺


Code 👨‍💻

Snippet # 1: It's raining confetti in two lines of code. 🌧

var icConfetti: ICConfetti!

override func viewDidLoad() {
  icConfetti = ICConfetti()
  icConfetti.rain(in: self.view)

Snippet # 2: Don't forget to let the rain up! ☀️

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

Snippet # 3: Set up the visual aspect! 💄

// Customize the colors... 🎨
icConfetti.colors = [.red, .green, .yellow, .blue]

// Tailor the confetti images. White template images work the best. 🖼
icConfetti.images = [
  UIImage(named: "Box")!,
  UIImage(named: "Circle")!,
  UIImage(named: "Triangle")!,
  UIImage(named: "Spiral")!

// Throttle the velocities... 🏎
icConfetti.velocities = [100, 128, 144, 512]

Installation 🔧


ICConfetti is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ICConfetti'

Author 🙏🏻

Web: Ishan Chhabra
Twitter: @chh_abracadabra
Medium: @chh_abracadabra

License 📜

ICConfetti is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.