Hydra 1.4.0

Hydra 1.4.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2019

Maintained by Tae Hyun Na.

Hydra 1.4.0

  • By
  • Tae Hyun Na


Version License Platform

Hydra's aim is to allow the developer to focus on the important implementation, without having to focus on complex things such as background tasks, asynchrony, and so on.. All you need to do is to register your tasks to the Hydra framework, and the framework will excute your task in a background thread. You're callback handler is called by the Hydra framework when your task is complete.


You can download the latest framework files from our Release page. Hydra also available through CocoaPods. To install it simply add the following line to your Podfile. pod ‘Hydra’


At least one HYWorker module is required. You can make worker module by subclass from HYworker.

@interface CommonWorker : HYWorker

Add the worker to Hydra and start. That's all.

[[Hydra defaultHydra] addWorker:[[CommonWorker alloc] init]];
[[Hydra defaultHydra] startAllWorkers];


Most of your business logic will be in the HYExecutor class. You can make executor module by subclassing HYExecutor.

@interface SampleExecutor : HYExecutor

The following code shows how to set your business logic under the HYExecutor class.

- (NSString *)name
   return SampleExecutorName;

- (BOOL)calledExecutingWithQuery:(id)anQuery
   // get parameter values
   NSInteger a = [[anQuery parameterForKey:@“a”] integerValue];
   NSInteger b = [[anQuery parameterForKey:@“b”] integerValue];

   // prepare result
   HYResult *result = [HYResult resultWithName:self.name];
   [result setParameter:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:a+b] forKey:@“sum”];

   // stored result will notify by result name
   [self storeResult:result];

   return YES;

Make a query and push to Hydra.

HYQuery *query = [HYQuery queryWithWorkerName:CommonWorker executorName:SampleExecutorName];
[query setParameter:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:1] forKey:@“a”];
[query setParameter:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:2] forKey:@“b”];
[[Hydra defaultHydra] pushQuery:query];

Register the callback handler to get the result of your task.

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(commonWorkerNotification:) name:CommonWorkerName object:nil];
- (void)commonWorkerNotification:(NSNotification *)notification
   NSDictionary *userInfo = [notification userInfo];
   HYResult *result = [userInfo objectForKey:SampleExecutorName];
   if( result != nil ) {
      NSInteger sum = [[result parameterForKey:@“sum”] integerValue];
      NSLog( @“sum is %d”, sum );


A helper class to centralize a set of relative excutors. You can make the manager class by subclassing HYManager.

@interface SampleManager : HYManager
- (void)requestSumOfA:(NSInteger)a andB:(NSInteger)b
   HYQuery *query = [self queryForExecutorName:SampleExecutorName];
   [query setParameter:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:a] forKey:@“a”];
   [query setParameter:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:b] forKey:@“b”];
   [[Hydra defaultHydra] pushQuery:query];
[[SampleManager defaultManager] requestSumOfA:1 andB:2];

The following example shows how to simply the add notification callback handler.

[self registExecutor:[[SampleExecutor alloc] init] withWorkerName:SampleWorkerName action:@selector(sampleExecutorHandlerWithResult:)];
- (NSMutableDictionary *)sampleExecutorHandlerWithResult:(HYResult *)result
   NSInteger sum = [[result parameterForKey:@“sum”] integerValue];
   NSLog( @“sum is %d”, sum );
   return nil;

Also, HYManager is able to send a notification with its own name.

- (NSString *)name
   return SampleManagerNotification;

- (NSMutableDictionary *)sampleExecutorHandlerWithResult:(HYResult *)result
   NSMutableDictionary *paramDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
   NSNumber *sum = [result parameterForKey:@“sum”];
   if( sum != nil ) {
      [paramDict setObject:sum forKey:SampleManagerNotifyParameterKeySum];
   if( [paramDict count] == 0 ) {
      return nil;
   // ‘paramDict’ will be ‘userInfo’ of notification ’SampleManagerNotification’.
   return paramDict;


You can also perform additional tasks running parallel to each other using the AsyncTask class. So it allows HYExecutor' to do something else immediately after calling the bindAsyncTask:` method to excute 'AsyncTask'.

calledExecutingWithQuery' can be called by AsyncTask when it's job has been done. For that reason, you should know that your 'AsyncTask class has already done it's job by checking the anQuery parameter. The following code shows that how to set this anQuery parameter.

- (BOOL)calledExecutingWithQuery:(id)anQuery
   // AsyncTask hasn't done it's job yet.
   if( [[anQuery parameterForKey:SampleExecutorParameterKeyCloseQueryCall] boolValue] == NO ) {
      [anQuery setParameter:@“Y” forKey:SampleExecutorParameterKeyCloseQueryCall];
      SampleAsyncTask *sampleAsyncTask = [[SampleAsyncTask alloc] initWithCloseQuery:anQuery];
      [self bindAsyncTask:sampleAsyncTask];
   // AsyncTask has done it's job yet
   } else {
      NSLog( @“async task done” );

   return YES;


TrackingResultSet is convenient when you want to track all of the registered tasks. Bellow are the list of when you can get notifications.

  1. When all of reigstered tasks have done after these are initilized.
  2. When all of reigstered tasks have done after case (1).
HYTrackingResultSet *trackingResultSet = [[HYTrackingResultSet alloc] initWithName:kTrackingResultNameForBooAndFooAllUpdated];
[trackingResultSet setResultNamesFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:BooExecutorName, FooExecutorName, nil]];
[[Hydra defaultHydra] setTrackingResultSet:trackingResultSet];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(booAndFooAllUpdated:) name:kTrackingResultNameForBooAndFooAllUpdated object:nil];


Your app may be updated many times. Sometimes, your users need to update their local data to the latest version of their data. You can make this migration module to manage it easily by subclassing HYMigrator.

@interface SampleMigrator : HYMigrator
- (BOOL)doInitialing
   // do something when first initialing task at once
   return YES;

+ (NSUInteger)suggestedMigrationNumber
   // set last version number of migration to 5 for example.
   return 5;

- (BOOL)isSomethingToDoForMigrationNumber:(NSUInteger)migrationNumber
   // check migration number and do some task for given migration number.
   // if something to do for given migration number then return YES, or if not return NO.
   return YES;

- (BOOL)doMigrationForNumber:(NSUInteger)migrationNumber
   // if you return YES at method 'isSomethingToDoForMigrationNumber:' for given number then,
   // this method called for do migration task.
   // implement your migration code for given number here.
   return YES;
SampleMigrator *migrator = [[SampleMigrator alloc] init];
[[Hydra defaultHydra] doMigration:migrator waitUntilDone:NO];


MIT License, where applicable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License