HoloCollectionView 2.1.3

HoloCollectionView 2.1.3

Maintained by gonghonglou.

  • By
  • gonghonglou


CI Status Version License Platform

HoloCollectionView provides chained syntax calls that encapsulate delegate methods for UICollectionView. The delegate methods for UICollectionView is distributed to each cell, each cell having its own method for setting Class, model, size, and click event, etc.


  • Provide section and row maker to handle proxy events of HoloCollectionView.
  • Provide protocols, implemented in cells, headers and footers to handle proxy events of HoloCollectionView.
  • Support to regist maps (key-Class) for row, header and footer.
  • Diff reload data. HoloCollectionViewDiffPlugin to support DeepDiff
  • Adapt new APIs from iOS 13 and iOS 14.
  • Modern Objective-C and better Swift support.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Integration with 3rd party libraries

  • HoloCollectionViewDiffPlugin - plugin to support DeepDiff, diff reload a section of UICollectionView. DeepDiff tells the difference between 2 collections and the changes as edit steps.



1. Make a simple cell list

UICollectionViewFlowLayout *flowLayout = [UICollectionViewFlowLayout new];

UICollectionView *collectionView = [[UICollectionView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds collectionViewLayout:flowLayout];
[self.view addSubview:collectionView];

[collectionView holo_makeRows:^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    // make a cell
    make.row(ExampleCollectionViewCell.class).model(NSDictionary.new).size(CGSizeMake(100, 200));
    // make a list
    for (NSObject *obj in NSArray.new) {
        make.row(ExampleCollectionViewCell.class).model(obj).didSelectHandler(^(id  _Nullable model) {
            NSLog(@"did select row : %@", model);

[collectionView reloadData];

// etc.

The holo_makeRows: method is used to create a list of rows. Each row is a cell. More properties provided for row see: HoloCollectionViewRowMaker.h and HoloCollectionRowMaker.h

Requirements for cell

Conforms to protocol HoloCollectionViewCellProtocol, HoloCollectionView will automatically identify cell whether implement these methods and calls, the commonly used two methods:


// set the model to cell
// the model is the object passed in by make.model()
- (void)holo_configureCellWithModel:(id)model;


// return cell size( Priority is higher than: 'sizeHandler' and 'size' of maker)
// the model is the object passed in by make.model()
+ (CGSize)holo_sizeForCellWithModel:(id)model;

See HoloCollectionViewCellProtocol more methods: HoloCollectionViewCellProtocol

You can also call your own methods by configuring properties such as configSEL, sizeSEL, etc. More properties can find in HoloCollectionRowMaker.h.

Note that attributes such as size, shouldHighlight, etc. that exist SEL have priority:

  1. First judge whether cell implements sizeSEL method
  2. Secondly, verify the implementation of the sizeHandler block
  3. Finally, determine whether the property size is assigned

2. Make a section list (contain header, footer, row)

UICollectionViewFlowLayout *flowLayout = [UICollectionViewFlowLayout new];

UICollectionView *collectionView = [[UICollectionView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds collectionViewLayout:flowLayout];
[self.view addSubview:collectionView];

[collectionView holo_makeSections:^(HoloCollectionViewSectionMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    .header(ExampleHeaderView.class).headerSize(CGSizeMake(HOLO_SCREEN_WIDTH, 100))
    .footer(ExampleFooterView.class).footerSize(CGSizeMake(HOLO_SCREEN_WIDTH, 100))
    .makeRows(^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {
        // make a cell
        make.row(ExampleCollectionViewCell.class).model(NSDictionary.new).size(CGSizeMake(100, 200));
        // make a list
        for (NSObject *obj in NSArray.new) {
            make.row(ExampleCollectionViewCell.class).model(obj).didSelectHandler(^(id  _Nullable model) {
                NSLog(@"did select row : %@", model);

[collectionView reloadData];

The holo_makeSections: method is used to create a list of section. More properties provided for section see: HoloCollectionViewSectionMaker.h and HoloCollectionSectionMaker.h

Requirements for header and footer

  1. header: conforms to protocol HoloCollectionViewHeaderProtocol , implement these methods, the commonly used two methods:

// set the model to header
// the model is the object passed in by make.headerModel()
- (void)holo_configureHeaderWithModel:(id)model;

// return header size( Priority is higher than: 'headerSizeHandler' and 'headerSize' of maker)
// the model is the object passed in by make.headerModel()
+ (CGSize)holo_sizeForHeaderWithModel:(id)model;
  1. Footer: conforms to protocol HoloCollectionViewFooterProtocol , implement these methods, the commonly used two methods:

// set the model to footer
// the model is the object passed in by make.footerModel()
- (void)holo_configureFooterWithModel:(id)model;


// return footer size( Priority is higher than: 'footerSizeHandler' and 'footerSize' of maker)
// the model is the object passed in by make.footerModel()
+ (CGSize)holo_sizeForFooterWithModel:(id)model;

See HoloCollectionViewHeaderProtocol and HoloCollectionViewFooterProtocol more methods: HoloCollectionViewHeaderProtocol and HoloCollectionViewFooterProtocol

You can also call your own methods by configuring properties such as headerConfigSEL, footerConfigSEL, etc. More properties can find in HoloCollectionSectionMaker.h.

Like cell, properties that contain SEL also have a priority.

3. Methods for section

// adding
[self.collectionView holo_makeSections:^(HoloCollectionViewSectionMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// inserting at index
[self.collectionView holo_insertSectionsAtIndex:0 block:^(HoloCollectionViewSectionMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// updating with tag value by maker
[self.collectionView holo_updateSections:^(HoloCollectionViewSectionMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// resetting with tag value by maker
[self.collectionView holo_remakeSections:^(HoloCollectionViewSectionMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// deleting
[self.collectionView holo_removeAllSections];

// deleting with tag value
[self.collectionView holo_removeSections:@[TAG]];

// reloadData
[self.collectionView reloadData];

UICollectionView+HoloCollectionView.h provides a series of methods for manipulating sections, including adding, inserting, updating, resetting, deleting, etc. More methods provided for section see: UICollectionView+HoloCollectionView.h (section 部分)

4. Methods for row

// adding
[self.collectionView holo_makeRows:^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// adding to section with tag value
[self.collectionView holo_makeRowsInSection:TAG block:^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// inserting at index
[self.collectionView holo_insertRowsAtIndex:0 block:^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// inserting at index to section with tag value
[self.collectionView holo_insertRowsAtIndex:0 inSection:TAG block:^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {

// updating
[self.collectionView holo_updateRows:^(HoloCollectionViewUpdateRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    make.tag(TAG).size(CGSizeMake(100, 200));

// resetting
[self.collectionView holo_remakeRows:^(HoloCollectionViewUpdateRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    make.tag(TAG).model(NSDictionary.new).size(CGSizeMake(100, 200));

// deleting
[self.collectionView holo_removeAllRowsInSections:@[TAG]];

// deleting
[self.collectionView holo_removeRows:@[TAG]];

// reloadData
[self.collectionView reloadData];

UICollectionView+HoloCollectionView.h provides a series of methods for manipulating rows, including adding, inserting, updating, resetting, deleting, etc. More methods provided for row see: UICollectionView+HoloCollectionView.h (row 部分)

5. Retrieve Delegate

You can retrieve the delegate of UICollectionView at any time, such as:

// first way
self.collectionView.holo_proxy.dataSource = self;
self.collectionView.holo_proxy.delegate = self;
self.collectionView.holo_proxy.scrollDelegate = self;

// second way
[self.collectionView holo_makeCollectionView:^(HoloCollectionViewViewMaker * _Nonnull make) {

Once you set up dataSource, delegate, scrollDelegate and implement some of their methods, HoloCollectionView will use your methods and return values first. For specific logic, please refer to: HoloCollectionViewProxy.m

6. Regist key-Class map

HoloCollectionView supports key value mappings for headers, footers, and rows in advance. For example:

// regist key-Class map
[self.collectionView holo_makeCollectionView:^(HoloCollectionViewMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    .makeHeadersMap(^(HoloCollectionViewHeaderMapMaker * _Nonnull make) {
        // ...
    .makeFootersMap(^(HoloCollectionViewFooterMapMaker * _Nonnull make) {
        // ...
    .makeRowsMap(^(HoloTCollectionViewRowMapMaker * _Nonnull make) {
        // ...

// use the key value
[self.collectionView holo_makeSections:^(HoloCollectionViewSectionMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    // section 1
    .makeRows(^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    // section 2
    .makeRows(^(HoloCollectionViewRowMaker * _Nonnull make) {
    // ...

If you have registered key-class mapping in advance, headerS, footerS and rowS are used to fetch Class according to the registered mapping

If you are not registered, headerS, footerS, rowS directly convert the string passed in to Class using the NSClassFromString(NSString * _Nonnull aClassName) method.


HoloCollectionView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'HoloCollectionView'


gonghonglou, [email protected]


HoloCollectionView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.