HippoCallClient 1.0.9

HippoCallClient 1.0.9

Maintained by Jungleworks, Vishal jhanjhri, Gian Singh, Arohi, Golden, Rahul verma, kranthi kumar.

  • By
  • Vishal Jhanjhri

Hippo Call Client

Swift Version Platforms

  • Hippo Chat - Checkout Hippo Messaging feature and Video and Audio Call



Make sure you are running the latest version of CocoaPods by running:

gem install cocoapods

# (or if the above fails)
sudo gem install cocoapods

Update your local specs repo by running:

pod repo update

Note: This step is optional, if you updated the specs repo recently.

Add the following lines to your Podfile:

pod 'HippoCallClient'

Run pod install and you're all set!


1. Intialize HippoCallClient SDK :

Intialize the client by setting Turn and Stun server credentials:

Put the below in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

HippoCallClient.shared.setCredentials(rawCredentials: <Raw credential json>)

2. Assign HippoCallClient Protocol

You have to assign HippoCallClientDelegate to class and then set that class to "HippoCallClient.shared.registerHippoCallClient" function in "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" and and in "didReceiveIncomingPushWith"

func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, forType type: PKPushType) {
HippoCallClient.shared.registerHippoCallClient"(delegate: < HippoCallClientDelegate >)

3. Finally Start call

To start call Function :

HippoCallClient.shared.startCall(call: Call, completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void)

where "Call" is SDK Class, create variable and pass it to above function

: create object by:
Call.init(peer: <CallPeer>, signalingClient: <SignalingClient>, uID: <String>, currentUser: <CallPeer>, type: <CallType>)

Voip notification recieved

When you recieve a voip notification Call the function

HippoCallClient.shared.voipNotificationRecieved(dictionary: [AnyHashable: Any], peer: <CallPeer>, signalingClient: <SignalingClient>, currentUser: <CallPeer>)"

Give Feedback

HippoCallClient SDK is still in development, and we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on it.

  • Have an idea or feature request? Open an issue. Tell us more about the feature or an idea and why you think it's relevant.
  • Have a bug to report? Open an issue. If possible, include the version of the SDK you are using, and any technical details.