HaloObjCSDK 2.3.4

HaloObjCSDK 2.3.4

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Jul 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Borja Santos-Diez.

  • By
  • Borja Santos-Diez


Getting started

A getting started guide and some other information related to integrating and setting up the SDK can be found in the wiki.

API documentation

The latest API documentation (Swift oriented) can be checked here.


In order to start developing the Halo SDK, there are some required packages/tools to be installed first:

  • Carthage to manage third-party libraries/SDKs. It can easily be installed using Homebrew with brew install carthage
  • Jazzy a Ruby gem that provides Apple-like documentation. It can be installed using [sudo] gem install jazzy.

Once that's done, the initial setup of the project can be done. From the root folder of the project you can run:

  • carthage bootstrap --platform iOS will set up the project, downloading any extra libraries/SDKs needed.

... and you're done! Enjoy developing this wonderful SDK! ❤️