Applications made for kids very often contain screens that are designed for adults, e.g. in app purchases, feedback forms, etc. Apple requires those screens to be protected by Parental Gate.
From AppStore review guidelines:
24.3 Apps in the Kids Category must get parental permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out of the app or engage in commerce
HYParentalGate is created using Swift 4. It works on all the iPhones, iPods and iPads starting from iOS 8.0. Right now HYParentalGate only supports landscape device modes. Portrait mode support will be added soon.
HYParentalGate is localized into 2 languages:
- English - default
- Ukrainian
20 more languages are going to be added very soon.
import HYParentalGate
HYParentalGate.sharedGate.show(successHandler: {
// User proved that he or she is an adult.
// Code was entered correctly.
// Basically here you just navigate to the next screen
Also here is an example of how to use localized version of the HYParentlGate:
import HYParentalGate
func showParentalGate() {
HYParentalGate.sharedGate.show(successHandler: {
print("parental gate passed")
}, cancelHandler: {
print("parental gate dismissed")
HYParentalGate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.