GimbalAirshipAdapter 4.1.0

GimbalAirshipAdapter 4.1.0

Maintained by Andrew Tran, Rafia Rashid.

Depends on:
GimbalXCFramework~> 2.94.0
Airship~> 18.13.0

  • By
  • Gimbal

Airship iOS Gimbal Adapter

The Airship Gimbal Adapter is a drop-in class that allows users to integrate Gimbal place events with Airship.



The Airship Gimbal Adapter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "GimbalAirshipAdapter"




import AirshipAdapter


@import AirshipAdapter

Enabling Event Tracking

By default, event tracking is disabled, and thus must be explicitly enabled as described below.


To enable or disable the tracking of Airship RegionEvent objects, use the shouldTrackRegionEvents property:

AirshipAdapter.shared.shouldTrackRegionEvents = true // enabled
AirshipAdapter.shared.shouldTrackRegionEvents = false // disabled

To enable or disable the tracking of Airship CustomEvent objects, use the shouldTrackCustomEntryEvents and shouldTrackCustomExitEvents properties to track events upon place entry and exit, as shown below. For more information regarding Airship Custom Events, see the documentation here.

// To enable CustomEvent tracking for place exits
AirshipAdapter.shared.shouldTrackCustomExitEvents = true
// To disable CustomEvent tracking for place exits
AirshipAdapter.shared.shouldTrackCustomExitEvents = false
// To enable CustomEvent tracking for place entries
AirshipAdapter.shared.shouldTrackCustomEntryEvents = true
// To disable CustomEvent tracking for place entries
AirshipAdapter.shared.shouldTrackCustomEntryEvents = false

Restoring the adapter

In your application delegate call restore during didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {

   // after Airship.takeOff   



- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

   // after UAirship.takeOff
   [[AirshpGimbalAdapter shared] restore];


Restore will automatically resume the adapter on application launch.

Starting the adapter


AirshipGimbalAdapter.shared.start("## PLACE YOUR API KEY HERE ##")


[[AirshpGimbalAdapter shared] start:@"## PLACE YOUR API KEY HERE ##"];

Stopping the adapter




[[AirshpGimbalAdapter shared] stop];

Enabling Bluetooth Warning

In the event that Bluetooth is disabled during place monitoring, the Gimbal Adapter can prompt users with an alert view to enable Bluetooth. This functionality is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting AirshipGimbalAdapter's bluetoothPoweredOffAlertEnabled property to true:


AirshipGimbalAdapter.shared.bluetoothPoweredOffAlertEnabled = true


[AirshpGimbalAdapter shared].bluetoothPoweredOffAlertEnabled = YES;

AirshipGimbalAdapter Migration

The AirshipGimbalAdapter is an older version of this adapter; if you previously used the AirshipGimblAdapter and would like to migrate, see the following steps:

  • If using Cocoapods, change the name of the pod from AirshipGimbalAdapter to GimbalAirshipAdapter
  • In your code, references to the AirshipGimbalAdapter class should be changed to AirshipAdapter
  • The older AirshipGimbalAdapter tracked Region Events but not Custom Events; if you would like to keep this type of functionality, disable CustomEvent tracking and enable RegionEvent tracking, as described above in the section entitled Enabling Event Tracking.