GKRToast 0.0.5

GKRToast 0.0.5

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2015

Maintained by Maciej Gad.

GKRToast 0.0.5

iOS replay for Android Toast massages, made with easy customization in mind.

How to use

For default style toast just write:

[GKRToast show:@"Your text"];

For other style use one of two classes AIMToast or AIMFancyToast or create custom subclass

Avaliable classes and styles

GKRToast - base class with Android look'n'feel

AIMToast - class that we are using at All in Mobile, background and text color can be easly customized

AIMFancyToast - example how to create more complicated animations

Custom subclass

If you want make a toast with custom layout and animation, you should create a subclass of GKRToast, override + (GKRToastConfigure *)configure method and return new confgiration for toast. For example if you want to creat a toast, thast shows from left-hand side, you should write something like that:

+ (GKRToastConfigure *)configure {
    GKRToastConfigure *configure = [GKRToastConfigure new];

    CGFloat offset = CGRectGetWidth([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds) * 0.5f + 100;

    configure.animateShowLabel = ^(UIView *textContainer, UILabel *textLabel, MASConstraint *centerX, MASConstraint *centerY) {
        centerX.offset = -offset;
        [textContainer layoutIfNeeded];
        centerX.offset = 0;
        [UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f animations:^{
            [textContainer layoutIfNeeded];
    return configure;

GKRToastConfigure properties

The GKRToastConfigure object has the following properties:

Property Type Description Default value
backgroundView UIView * background displayed full screen back color with 30% alpha
textContainer UIView * container for text message back color with 80% alpha
textLabel UILabel * label that display message text whte text color, number of line set to 0
textEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsets margin for textLabel left, right, top and bottom set to 10 pt
hideTimeOut NSTimeInterval displaying time (in secounds); if set to 0, never hides autmaticly 5s
animateShowLabel void(^)(UIView *textContainer, UILabel *textLabel, MASConstraint *centerX, MASConstraint *centerY) block call after textContainer is add to current window; centerX and centerY are constrains that center toast on screen alpha transition from 0 to 1 in 0.5 s
animateShowBackground void(^)(UIView *backgroundView) block call after backgroundView is add to current window alpha transition from 0 to 1 in 0.5 s
animateHideLabel void(^)(UIView *textContainer, UILabel *textLabel, MASConstraint *centerX, MASConstraint *centerY) block call when textContainer should be remove from current window; remember to call [textLabel removeFromSuperview] and [textContainer removeFromSuperview] after animation is ended alpha transition from 1 to 0 in 0.5 s
animateHideBackground void(^)(UIView *backgroundView) block call when backgroundView should be remove from current window; remember to call [backgroundView removeFromSuperview] after animation is ended alpha transition from 1 to 0 in 0.5 s

Check the full video on Youtube

Check the full video