GHBigNum 0.1.7

GHBigNum 0.1.7

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2015

Maintained by Gabriel Handford.

GHBigNum 0.1.7

  • By
  • Gabriel Handford

BigNum library for Objective-C. Uses OpenSSL.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects.


platform :ios, "7.0"
pod "GHBigNum"

This only includes a few bignum methods that I needed, so its still a work in progress.

a^p % m

GHBigNum *a = [GHBigNum bigNumWithDecimalString:@"3487438743234789234879"];
GHBigNum *p = [GHBigNum bigNumWithDecimalString:@"22"];
GHBigNum *m = [GHBigNum bigNumWithDecimalString:@"43234789234880"];
GHBigNum *r = [GHBigNum modPow:a p:p m:m];

(a*r) % m == 1

GHBigNum *a = [GHBigNum bigNumWithDecimalString:@"3487438743234789234879"];
GHBigNum *m = [GHBigNum bigNumWithDecimalString:@"743234789234880"];
GHBigNum *r = [GHBigNum modInverse:a m:m];


GHBigNum *bn = [GHBigNum generatePrime:512];
[bn isPrime]; // YES