FyberSDK 9.2.6× TestsTested ✗ LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C License Custom ReleasedLast Release Mar 2024Maintained by Sascha Bienert, DT FairBid SDK.Installation Guide×Installation Guide for FyberSDKYou want to add pod 'FyberSDK', '~> 9.2' similar to the following to your Podfile:target 'MyApp' do pod 'FyberSDK', '~> 9.2' endThen run a pod install inside your terminal, or from CocoaPods.app.Alternatively to give it a test run, run the command:pod try FyberSDKSee PodspecDocumentationGitHub RepoPage on CocoaPods.orgFyberSDK 9.2.6ByFyber GmbHFyberfyber-engineering/offerwall-edge-sample-app-iosGitHub RepoOVERVIEWCHANGELOGChangelog 8.18.0 (11/2017) New: The Fyber SDK now take full advantage of the WKWebView for devices running iOS 8+. Devices on iOS 7 still use the UIWebView 8.17.1 (10/2017) Fixed: Layout issues related to the iPhone X's layout 8.17.0 Beta (10/2017) New: Optimisations for rewarded video ad request Fixed: Application is not rotating back to portrait mode after video play Fixed: UI API called from background thread Fixed: FYBIntegrationAnalyzerViewController warning when targeting iOS7 8.16.1 (09/2017) Fixed: SDK might get into a fixed state after attempting to show an expired cached ad 8.16.0 (08/2017) New: Multiple networks fill caching support New: Optimisation to our mediation algorithm for better publisher payout. 8.15.1 (07/2017) Fixed: Crash when using some special characters in userId 8.15.0 (07/2017) New: Improvements to optimize Interstitials and Banners Fill Rate. New: Remove loading spinners before playing pre-cached videos Fixed: Loading spinner flickering before video starts 8.14.1 (07/2017) Fixed: Crash when using some special characters in userId 8.14.0 (06/2017) New: Introducing a new fill caching mechanism New: Improvements to Virtual Currency cache New: Improvements to optimize Interstitials and Banners Fill Rate. New: Improvements to Rewarded Video caching Fixed: Possible Quicktime logo flickering before video starts Fixed: Banner not centered on orientation change 8.12.0 (04/2017) Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.11.0 (03/2017) New: Configurable timeouts for Interstitial and Banner requests Fixed: Bug allowing to display a banner while a new banner is requested Fixed: Crash due to Supported orientations having no common orientation with the application Fixed: Video keeps playing when double tapping on the home button before video loads Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.10.0 (03/2017) Dropped support for iOS 6 Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.9.2 (02/2017) Fixed: Crashes related to parsing the response from the VCS Fixed: Crashes due to thread unsafe variables 8.9.1 (02/2017) Fixed: Issue in podspec file leading to Test Suite showing a black screen 8.9.0 (01/2017) New: Test your mediation setup with the Fyber's Test Suite Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.8.0 (01/2017) Fixed: infinite black screen when video adapters have timeouts Improved tracking 8.7.0 (12/2016) New: Hold back the Banner ad request until mediation is started Fixed: warnings when archiving Fixed: SDK does not track fill events for banner rotation Fixed: calling destroyBanner when requesting resets controller's state 8.6.0 (11/2016) Changed: Prevent initialization of controllers Changed: Default logging level is now Info Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.5.5 (11/2016) Changed: Longer timeout for Banner requests 8.5.3 (10/2016) New: Preloading static and video Interstitials endcards for better user experience Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.5.2 (09/2016) Fixed: Integration issue with projects that do not have modules enabled Fixed: A possible issue with ad control/frequency capping on some devices 8.5.1 (09/2016) iOS 10: Makes use of openURL:options:completionHandler: iOS 10: Prints the value of the Limit Ad Tracking feature on start of the SDK and activation of the application New: Added Video Interstitial support New: Added a callback to alert you when precaching videos is done New: Added a method to inform if videos are currently cached on the device New: Extended our Sample Application to show Banners Fixed: Request to StoreKit is not being cancelled after closing the Endcard Fixed: Logging issues regarding some Fyber .plist settings 8.4.1 - (07/2016) New: Support for Hybrid Interstitials 8.3.2 - (06/2016) New: Enable changing user ID after starting the SDK New: Automatically import required frameworks Fixed: Rewarded video player issues 8.3.1 - (05/2016) New: makes userID accessible Fixed: Smart banners have wrong position after hiding and showing them again Deprecated: showCloseButtonOnLoad property and plist setting Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.3.0 - (04/2016) New: Added Banner ads functionality Fixed: Vast video restarting when opening the microbrowser 8.2.1 - (02/2016) Fixed: wrong messages sent through the FYBInterstitialControllerDelegate Fixed: missing loading spinner when showing the Offer Wall on top of a modal view controller 8.2.0 - (01/2016) New: allow publishers to enable HTTP for rewarded video Changed: cookie accept policy set to true by default Fixed: orientation issues with end card and video alerts Fixed: initialization method for custom parameters Fixed: float precision and conversion in FYBUser object Minor logging improvements 8.1.2 - (11/2015) Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.1.1 - (11/2015) Fixed: Flickering issue when playing a rewarded video through mediation Bug fixes and performance improvements 8.1.0 - (10/2015) Improved Plist settings API Fixed: Crash when pressing the Cancel or Store button on StoreKit Fixed: Minor UI issues 8.0.1 - (09/2015) Fixed: Issue with VCS when migrating from SponsorPaySDK 7.x.x to FyberSDK 8.0.0 8.0.0 - (09/2015) Rebranding (SponsorPaySDK -> Fyber SDK / SP -> FYB) Renamed products (BrandEngage -> Rewarded Videos…) New API to report Installs New API to report Rewarded Actions New API for Interstitials. Introduction of FYBRequestParameters New API for Rewarded Videos. Introduction of FYBRequestParameters New API for Offer Wall. Introduction of FYBRequestParameters New API for Starting the SDK. Introduction of FYBSDKOptions New API for Virtual Currency. Introduction of FYBVirtualCurrencyResponse. Introduction of FYBRequestParameters. Feature Removal Use of multiple AppIds Use of credentials token Overriding of the currency name through SDK’s API Dropped support for iOS 5 Fixes Fixed: Toasts were showing in the wrong order when going to the background after watching a video Fixed: The SDK was reporting a CLOSE_ABORT when watching a video and going to the background when the end card was shown Fixed: Video would still playing when tapping the close button, double tapping the home button and going back to the app. It should still be paused Fixed: Offer Wall’s showCloseButtonOnLoad was not working anymore Fixed: close button not positioned correctly when the request times out when trying to show a video Fixed: SPUser’s location was not updated automatically New Brand new sample app shipped with the SDK Control over precaching functionality (delay the start) (only for Fyber Videos)