Futures 2.0.2

Futures 2.0.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Cameron Pulsford.

Futures 2.0.2

  • By
  • Cameron Pulsford


Swift framework for Promises and Futures focusing on a small and simple API.


  • I needed both Promises and Futures for a project at work and I wanted to write my own library.
  • Use Swift to do something useful.
  • Write the simplest possible Futures and Promises library that I could, both in implementation, and API.
  • Expand API only as necessary. If you use this library and would like a new feature, let me know!
  • Use generics and other techniques to improve upon my old implementation.
  • Swift backwards compatibility is not particularly important to me. I will update to the latest Swift version as soon as I have time. If you use this library and aren’t a fan of this policy, let me know.


First, drop the following line in your Podfile

pod 'Futures', '~> 2.0'

Then, just import Futures and go!


Using a future to calculate an expensive value:

let f = Future<Int>() { _ in

f.onSuccess() {
    println($0) // 987

Note: The use of the Box class to return successful results is due to a (seemingly temporary) shortcoming in Swift right now where all of an enum’s associated values must be of a known size at compile time.


future(fibonacci(16)).onSuccess() {
    println($0) // 987

Handling errors:

Future<Int>() { _ in
}.onSuccess() { value in
    // handle value
}.onError() { error in
    // handle error

Blocking indefinitely for a value:

if let fib16 = future(fibonacci(16)).successValue {
    println(fib16) // 987

Blocking temporarily for a value:

if let fib16 = future(fibonacci(16)).valueWithTimeout(10)?.successValue {
    println(fib16) // 987

Shorthand for associating Futures with a queue.

let queue = dispatch_queue_create("Test", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
// somewhere else
let f = queue.createFuture(fibonacci(16))


FutureCache is a simple and useful way to initialize and cache expensive values.

let futureCache = FutureCache<Int>()
futureCache.add("fib16", future: future(fibonacci(16)))
// later...
let expensiveResult = futureCache.valueForKey("fib16")!

Version History


Initial release.


Adds some missing documentation.


Adds FutureCache.


Adds missing doc strings for onSuccess and onError methods.


Updates to Swift 1.2. This kills the @autoclosure. :-(


Fixes a possible dead lock if you used the .state property in a work/onSuccess/onError closure of a Promise or Deref.


Adds extensions to dispatch_queue_t for creating associated futures.


  • Further unifies Promise and Future’s implementation by turning FutureResult into a DerefResult. .value now returns a DerefValue<T>. .successValue has been added as a convenience to get the old behavior of .value.
  • Futures now support cancelation. Future workBlocks are now passed an isCanceled block which the workBlock may check periodically to stop expensive work early. This works much like a custom NSOperation subclass might. Simple shorthand still exists for Futures that are known to only succeed and which do not care about cancellation.
  • FutureCache has been updated (and simplified) appropriately given the previous two bullet points.


  • Adds @autoclosure(escaping) shorthand for futures. Hooray! Requires Xcode 6.3 beta 2.


  • Updates queue helpers for @autoclosure(escaping).