Formal 2.1.1

Formal 2.1.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2018
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Meniny.

Formal 2.1.1

  • By
  • Elias Abel


What’s this?

Formal is a UITableView form builder.



  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 8 with Swift 3



You are welcome to fork and submit pull requests.


Formal is open-sourced software, licensed under the MIT license.



Formal allows you to simply add sections and rows by extending FormalViewController.

class ViewController: FormalViewController {
    // ...

You could create a form by just setting up the Formal property by yourself without extending from FormalViewController.

class ViewController: UIViewController: FormalDelegate {
    var formal: Formal = Formal()

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        formal.delegate = self

    func sectionsHaveBeenAdded(_ sections: [FormalSection], at: IndexSet) {

    func sectionsHaveBeenRemoved(_ sections: [FormalSection], at: IndexSet) {

    func sectionsHaveBeenReplaced(oldSections: [FormalSection], newSections: [FormalSection], at: IndexSet) {

    func rowsHaveBeenAdded(_ rows: [FormalBaseRow], at: [IndexPath]) {

    func rowsHaveBeenRemoved(_ rows: [FormalBaseRow], at: [IndexPath]) {

    func rowsHaveBeenReplaced(oldRows: [FormalBaseRow], newRows: [FormalBaseRow], at: [IndexPath]) {

    func valueHasBeenChanged(for: FormalBaseRow, oldValue: Any?, newValue: Any?) {


Add a Section

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
formal +++ FormalSection(header: "Acknowledgement", footer: "")
formal +++ FormalSection(header: "Setup", footer: "Footer", { section in
    // ...

Add a Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalTextRow() {
        $0.textType = .account
        $0.title = "Account"
        $0.placeholder = "Enter account here"
        $0.value = "Meniny"

Remove all


Change Animations

formal.animationSettings.rowInsertAnimation = .fade

Text Field Rows

public enum FormalTextType {
    case normal
    case phone
    case account
    case password
    case name
    case email
    case twitter
    case zipCode
formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalTextRow() {
        $0.textType = .account
        $0.title = "Account"
        $0.placeholder = "Enter account here"
        $0.value = "Meniny"
    <<< FormalTextRow() { row in
        row.textType = .password
        row.title = "Password"
        row.placeholder = "Enter password here"
    <<< FormalTextRow(.email, tag: "Email", { (row) in
        row.title = "Email"
        row.placeholder = "Enter Email here"
    <<< FormalTextRow(.twitter, tag: "Twitter", { (row) in
        row.title = "Twitter"
        row.placeholder = "Twitter Text here"


formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalURLRow() { row in
        row.title = "URL"
        row.placeholder = "Enther URL here"

Text Area Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalTextAreaRow() { row in
        row.placeholder = "TextArea"

Formatted Numbers Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalDecimalRow() { row in
        row.title = "Decimal"
        row.placeholder = "Enter decimal here"

Switch Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalSwitchRow() { row in
        row.title = "Switch"
        row.tag = "Switch"

Button Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalButtonRow() { row in
        row.title = "Button"

Label Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalLabelRow() { row in
        row.title = "Label"

Check Rows

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalCheckRow() { row in
        row.title = "Check"
        row.value = true
        }.onChange({ (row) in
    <<< FormalImageCheckRow() { row in
        row.title = "Image Check"
        row.value = true

Floating Text Field/URL/Formatted Numbers Rows

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalTextFloatingFieldRow() { row in
        row.placeholder = "Enter text here"
        row.value = "Floating Text Field"
    <<< FormalURLFloatingFieldRow() { row in
        row.placeholder = "Enter URL here"
        row.value = URL(string: "")

Stepper Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalStepperRow() { row in
        row.title = "Stepper"
        row.value = 2

Location Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalLocationRow() { row in
        row.title = "Location"

Generic Password Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalGenericPasswordRow() { row in
        let password = "[ABCdef123]"
        row.placeholder = "Generic Password \(password)"
        row.value = password

Slider Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Base")
    <<< FormalSliderRow() { row in
        row.title = "Slider"

Segmented Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Options")
    <<< FormalSegmentedRow<String>() { row in
        row.title = "Segmented"
        row.options = options

Push Selector Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Options")
    <<< FormalPushSelectorRow<String>() { row in
        row.title = "Push"
        row.options = options

Popover Selector Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Options")
    <<< FormalPopoverSelectorRow<String>() { row in
        row.title = "Popover"
        row.options = options

Inline Picker Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Options")
    <<< FormalPickerInlineRow<String>() { row in
        row.title = "Picker Inline"
        row.options = options
    <<< FormalDateInlineRow() { row in
        row.title = "Date Inline"
    <<< FormalPickerRow<String>() { row in
        var opts = [String]()
        for i in 0...5 {
            opts.append("Picker \(i)")
        row.options = opts

Action Sheet Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Options")
    <<< FormalActionSheetRow<String>() { row in
        row.title = "ActionSheet"
        row.options = options

Alert Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Options")
    <<< FormalAlertRow<String>() { row in
        row.title = "Alert"
        row.options = options

Input Picker Row

formal +++ FormalSection("Options")
    <<< FormalPickerInputRow<String>("Picker Input Row") { row in
        row.title = "PickerInput"
        row.options = []
        for i in 1...10 {
            row.options.append("PickerInput \(i)")
        row.value = row.options.first
    <<< FormalPhotoPickerRow() { row in
        row.title = "Image"

Hiding Sections and Rows

Use FormalCondition to hide/show sections and rows.

formal +++ FormalSection("Testing", { (section) in
    section.tag = "TestingSection"
    section.hidden = FormalCondition.closure(tags: ["HidingSwitch"], closure: { (f) -> Bool in
        if let r = f.rowBy(tag: "HidingSwitch") as? FormalSwitchRow {
            return r.value ?? false
        return false
    <<< FormalLabelRow() {
        $0.title = "Home"
        $0.value = ""
formal +++ FormalSection("Hiding")
    <<< FormalSwitchRow("HidingSwitch") { row in
        row.title = "Hide Testings Section"
        row.value = false

See the sample project for more detail.