FluxFramework 0.1.0

FluxFramework 0.1.0

Maintained by Suita Fujino.

  • By
  • Scior


version Swift: 5.2.2 Carthage License: MIT

What's this?

FluxFramework is a lightweight flux framework for Swift.
Inspired by:


  • Minimum implementation
  • Unidirectional data flow
  • No dependencies to other libraries



Add the following line to Cartfile:

github "Scior/FluxFramework" ~> 0.1


Add the following line to Podfile:

target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
    pod 'FluxFramework', '~> 0.1'



Define events, actions and action creator

The operations of converting events(FluxEvent) into actions(FluxAction) must be written in FluxActionConverter. Operations can be asynchronous.

Events and actions can be defined as enum. For instance,

final class ActionConverter: FluxActionConverter {
    enum Event: FluxEvent {
        case add(Model)
        case removeAll
    enum Action: FluxAction {
        case replaceModels([Model])
    typealias Dependency = Void

    static func convert(event: Event, dependency: Dependency, actionHandler: @escaping (Action) -> Void) {
        switch event {
        case .add(let model):
            // let models = ...
        case .removeAll:
            // ...

Typically, the following alias will be useful:

typealias ActionCreator = FluxActionCreator<ActionConverter>

Define state and store

A state(FluxState) has some stored properties. Every mutation for the property must be done in handle(action:).

If any modifications have been made, the return value for handle should be nil since it notifies the return value for all subscribiers.

For example,

struct State: FluxState {
    let identifier = UUID().uuidString
    private(set) var models: [Model]

    mutating func handle(action: ActionConverter.Action) -> State? {
        switch action {
        case .replaceModels(let models):
            self.models = models

        return self

Also, the following alias can be used:

typealias Store = FluxStore<State>

Subscribe and unsubscribe

To observe modifications of the state,

let store = FluxStore<State>
let subscription = store.subscribe { state in

An explicit unsubscription can be done as below:


Trigger events

To trigger events, just call fire:

let actionCreator = FluxActionCreator<ActionConverter>

actionCreator.fire([.add(Model()), .removeAll])

Convert to RxSwift's Observable

FluxStore can be converted to RxSwift's Observable as follows:

extension FluxStore: ObservableConvertibleType {
    public func asObservable() -> Observable<State> {
        return Observable.create { [weak self] observer -> Disposable in
            guard let self = self else { return Disposables.create() }

            let subscription = self.subscribe { state in

            return Disposables.create {


FluxFramework is under MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Suita Fujino