FlickerNumber 1.1

FlickerNumber 1.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2015

Maintained by DeJohn Dong.

  • By
  • DeJohn Dong

Flicker a number like alipay use UILabel category. It can be wonderful when use the advanced method.



Alternatively, you can just drag the files from FlickerNumber / Classes into your own project.


To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install from the Project directory first.

import UILabel+FlickerNumber.h in your project

then you can use the category methods in any initilized UILabel to implement the effect of flicker number.

for example:

@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UILabel *lblFlicker; //for a xib label

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];

    if([self.title isEqualToString:@"Flicker A Integer Number"]){
        [self.lblFlicker dd_setNumber:@(7654321)];
    }else if([self.title isEqualToString:@"Flicker A Float Number"]){
        [self.lblFlicker dd_setNumber:@(123.982)];
    }else if([self.title isEqualToString:@"Flicker A Format Number"]){
        [self.lblFlicker dd_setNumber:@(75.212) format:@"%.2f"];
    }else if([self.title isEqualToString:@"Flicker A Attribute Number"]){
        id attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithAttribute:@{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12.0f]}
                                                     range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
        [self.lblFlicker dd_setNumber:@(123.45) attributes:attributes];
        id attributes = @[[NSDictionary dictionaryWithAttribute:@{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12.0f]}
                                                       range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)],
                          [NSDictionary dictionaryWithAttribute:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName:[UIColor redColor]}
                                                       range:NSMakeRange(1, 3)]];
        [self.lblFlicker dd_setNumber:@(123.45) duration:1.0f format:@"%.2f" attributes:attributes];


 *  Flicker a number without other effects.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation, can't be `nil`.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number;

 *  Flicker a number with number-formatter style. You can use the `NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle` number-formatter style, the number will flicker animation as `$1,023.12`.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style. If this parameter is `nil`, the method should use the default number-formatter style -- `NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle`, so `1000000` will be '1,000,000'.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
           formatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter;

 *  Flicker a number in during time.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration  The flicker animation during time, can't be a minus.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number

 *  Flicker a number in during time with number-formatter style.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration  The flicker animation during time.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
           formatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter;

 *  Flicker a number with string-format style. like this: `Today's income: $200.00`.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String. If you set this parameter is `nil`, the method is same to `fn_setNumber:`.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr;

 *  Flicker a number with string-format String & number-formatter style.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr
           formatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter;

 *  Flicker a number with attributed(s) property.
 *  @param number The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param attrs  The attributed number set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries), character attributes for text. Only can attributed the number because there are no string-format String. Use this parameter the number text can be colorful and wonderful. If you set this parameter is `nil`, the same to method `fn_setNumber:`.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;

 *  Flicker a number with number-formatter style & attributed(s) property.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style.
 *  @param attrs     The attributed number set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries).
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
           formatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;

 *  Flicker a number with string-format String & attributed(s) property.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String.
 *  @param attrs     The attributed string set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries). You can attributed(s) the number or string-format String.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;

 *  Flicker a number in dafault during time(1.0s) with all effects.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style.
 *  @param attrs     The attributed string set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries).You can attributed(s) the number or string-format String.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr
           formatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;

 *  Flicker a number in during time with string-format String.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration  The flicker animation during time.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr;

 *  Flicker a number in during time with string-format String & number-formatter style.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration  The flicker animation during time.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr
           formatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter;

 *  Flicker a number in during time with attributed(s) property.
 *  @param number   The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration The flicker animation during time.
 *  @param attrs    The attributed number set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries).
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;

 *  Flicker a number in during time with attributed(s) property of number & number-formatter style.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration  The flicker animation during time.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style.
 *  @param attrs     The attributed number set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries).
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
           formatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;

 *  Flicker a number in during time with effects except number-formatter style.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration  The flicker animation during time.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String.
 *  @param attrs     The attributed string set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries). You can set string-format String OR number attributes both.
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;

 *  Flicker a number in during time with all the effects. You can attributed(s) the number or string-format String. You also can set the number number-fomatter style.
 *  @param number    The number for flicker animation.
 *  @param duration  The flicker animation during time.
 *  @param formatStr The string-format String.
 *  @param formatter The number-formatter style.
 *  @param attrs     The attributed string set(a dictionary OR array of dictionaries).
- (void)fn_setNumber:(NSNumber *)number
              format:(nullable NSString *)formatStr
     numberFormatter:(nullable NSNumberFormatter *)formatter
          attributes:(nullable id)attrs;


  • [1.0] add the long long type integer or double number flicker function.
  • [0.2] add the NSNumberFormatter function.
  • [0.1] add the flicker number kit.


  • Xcode 7
  • iOS 5.1.1


DeJohn Dong, [email protected]


FlickerNumber is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.