FlexibleTooltips 0.3.0

FlexibleTooltips 0.3.0

Maintained by Chen-Hao Chiang.


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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Setup with CocoaPods

  • Add pod 'FlexibleTooltips' to your Podfile
  • Run pod install
  • Run open App.xcworkspace


Creating a tooltip

To create a tooltip, you need to specify the coordinate of the arrow tip, the position of the arrow (at the top or the bottom of the tooltip rectangle), the maximum width of the tooltip rectangle and the text.

let tooltip = FlexibleTooltip(arrowTip: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 150), arrow: .bottom, maxWidth: CGFloat(200), text: "Hello world. This is the first tooltip.")

Customise a tooltip

To customise a tooltip, change the values in tooltip.configuration.

tooltip.configuration.drawing.foregroundColor = UIColor.black
tooltip.configuration.drawing.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
tooltip.configuration.drawing.borderColor = UIColor.gray
tooltip.configuration.drawing.borderWidth = 2


Create a FlexibleTooltipManager to mange tooltips.

let tooltip1 = FlexibleTooltip(arrowTip: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 150), arrow: .bottom, maxWidth: CGFloat(200), text: "Hello world. This is the first tooltip.")

let tooltip2 = FlexibleTooltip(arrowTip: CGPoint(x: 150, y: 250), arrow: .bottom, maxWidth: CGFloat(200), text: "How about this? This is the second tooltip.")

let tooltip3 = FlexibleTooltip(arrowTip: CGPoint(x: 200, y: 200), arrow: .top, maxWidth: CGFloat(200), text: "This is the final tooltip. You're almost finished!")

let tooltipManager = FlexibleTooltipManager(view: self.view)


Delegate methods

If you are using the FlexibleTooltipManager to mange tooltips, set the ViewController as FlexibleTooltipManagerDelegate and conform to the protocol.

extension ViewController: FlexibleTooltipManagerDelegate {
  func userDidFinishTips() {
    print("User saw all tips.")

  func tooltipTapped() {


FlexibleTooltips is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'FlexibleTooltips'


[email protected]


FlexibleTooltips is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.