FlatUIColors 0.3.0

FlatUIColors 0.3.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Bryn Austin Bellomy.

  • By
  • bryn austin bellomy and Valentine Silvansky

FlatUIColors (swift)


Make sure you have the latest pre-release version of CocoaPods (gem install cocoapods --pre), which has Swift support. At the time of this writing, that would be 0.36.0.beta.1.

Add to your Podfile:

pod 'FlatUIColors'

And then from the shell:

$ pod install


There are a number of static functions defined on the struct FlatUIColors that return UIColor or NSColor objects. The return type of these functions is OSColor, which is a platform-aware typealias.

Just import and use:

import FlatUIColors

let turquoise: NSColor = FlatUIColors.turquoiseColor()

// Optional CGFloat for setting alpha value
let emerald: UIColor = FlatUIColors.emeraldColor(0.25)

The following is a list of all of the static color functions defined on struct FlatUIColors.

public static func turquoiseColor() -> OSColor!
public static func greenSeaColor() -> OSColor!
public static func mediumTurquoiseColor() -> OSColor! 
public static func lightSeaGreenColor() -> OSColor!
public static func emeraldColor() -> OSColor!
public static func nephritisColor() -> OSColor!
public static func gossipColor() -> OSColor!
public static func salemColor() -> OSColor!
public static func peterRiverColor() -> OSColor!
public static func belizeHoleColor() -> OSColor!
public static func riptideColor() -> OSColor!
public static func dodgerBlueColor() -> OSColor!
public static func amethystColor() -> OSColor!
public static func wisteriaColor() -> OSColor!
public static func lightWisteriaColor() -> OSColor!
public static func plumColor() -> OSColor!
public static func wetAsphaltColor() -> OSColor!
public static func midnightBlueColor() -> OSColor!
public static func hokiColor() -> OSColor!
public static func ebonyClayColor() -> OSColor!
public static func sunflowerColor() -> OSColor!
public static func tangerineColor() -> OSColor!
public static func confettiColor() -> OSColor!
public static func capeHoneyColor() -> OSColor!
public static func carrotColor() -> OSColor!
public static func pumpkinColor() -> OSColor!
public static func ecstasyColor() -> OSColor!
public static func jaffaColor() -> OSColor!
public static func alizarinColor() -> OSColor!
public static func pomegranateColor() -> OSColor!
public static func monzaColor() -> OSColor!
public static func thunderBirdColor() -> OSColor!
public static func cloudsColor() -> OSColor!
public static func silverColor() -> OSColor!
public static func galleryColor() -> OSColor!
public static func ironColor() -> OSColor!
public static func concreteColor() -> OSColor!
public static func asbestosColor() -> OSColor!
public static func pumiceColor() -> OSColor!
public static func lynchColor() -> OSColor!

Colors Palette

contributors / authors

bryn austin bellomy < [email protected] >
aleksandar kex trpeski < [email protected] >
valentine silvansky < silvansky >
morita naoki < [email protected] >
angel vazquez < @avzquez >