What is Flask Reactor?
Flask is a multiplatform [ iOS | OSX | tvOS ] implementation of the unidirectional data flow architecture in Swift. Flask offers a unique feature set beyond any similar frameworks through an intuitive API
While the Flux architecture is abstract, explaining Flask is easy:
Reactors lets you Mix Substances and React to their State Changes
Easy right?
As such to preserve this natural intuition Flux Stores
are called a Substance
. In Flask a Substance
would represent any homogeneous data structure in your application (ie. a feed, settings, or the application itself).
Flask allows implementing both the Redux and Fluxor patterns through a unified architecture. And although this integration may sound complicated, with Flask it's also easy to articulate:
Flask lets you create ReactiveSubstances that react to environmental events called Mixers as well as plain Substances meant to be Mixed inside a particular Reactor.
This is a direct analogy between the Fluxor pattern of Reactive Stores
as a ReactiveSubstance
and the Redux pattern of Store Reducers
as a plain Substance
Using chemistry semantics is an intuitive way to approach the flux-reactive patterns. After all, the word React
is itself defined within the chemistry domain.
Table of Contents
- Motivation
- Why Flask?
- CocoaPods Installation
- Architecture
- Components
- Implementation
- Special Features
- Documentation
Flask Reactor is the foundation of a comprehensive toolbox defining the "Flask Pattern" as a way to create reactive applications in Apple's Swift platform. As such Flask delivers the most robust feature set through an intuitive API.
Flask goes beyond the novelty of the Reactive pattern to develop an expressive API using physical world analogies that are intuitive and easy to implement. All this while the core technology offers a unified implementation of both the Redux
and Fluxor
patterns and delivers advanced features not available in other frameworks (such as async-flux, locks and nested keys support). Such features are required for the development of higher-level frameworks (like the FlaskNavigation router or the FlaskAPI manager).
Despite its power Flask is as easy to implement as the most popular frameworks (ie. ReSwift). Code complexity is optional and progressive depending on your own implementations.
Why Flask?
Flask provides unique features not found in similar frameworks:
- Chained mutations
- Binding multiple stores
- Structs reductions with nested keys
- NSObject pointer change reduction with
- NSDictionary and Dictionary reduction supporting nested keys
- Flux locks and exclusive dispatch
- Automatic archiving to
- Managed attachment with automatic disposal
- Friendly high-level API
- Access to low-level API for more granular control
- Mixed use of both Redux and Fluxor patterns
If you use CocoaPods , simply add Flask to your Podfile
pod 'Flask'
And then import the module
import Flask
The above flowchart is an overview of the Flask
- Green are
components - Blue are
components - Pink are
components - Yellow are
How it works?
These are the main components to interface with Flask:
- Substances: Any data structure in your application
- Mixers: Transactional closures defining data mutations
- Reactors: Mixing Substances to produce reactions
- Flux: The single unidirectional bus connecting the pipeline
Flask API
These are the High-level API methods that you'll use more frequently:
// Managing your reactor instance
// Dispatching a substancer mixer
// Creating non-reactive substances
Inspect these methods to learn more about the low-level API.
Substances are minimally initialized with a State
structure. ReactiveSubstances require an additional SubstanceMixer
enumeration to facilitate handling environmental mixers.
- Substance: Easy to mutate using
- ReactiveSubstance: Like Substances but also observing global Substance Mixers.
Consider the following example:
struct AppState : State {
enum prop : StateProp{
case counter
var counter = 0
class Feed : Substance<AppState> {}
Reactive Substance
enum Mixers : SubstanceMixer {
case Login
class App : ReactiveSubstance<AppState,Mixers> {
override func defineMixers(){
define(mix: . Login) { (payload, react, abort) in
self.prop.counter = self.prop.counter + 1
Flask data mutations are performed using Mixers. A mixer is a transactional closure where you can access an modify given substance properties. There are two types of mixers:
- Substance Mixer These are declared as enumerations and passed as part of a
subclass definition. Internally the substance optionally subscribes to the cases where it needs to respond with internal data mutations inside a State Transaction context. - Flask Mixer These can be used anywhere by accessing the substances bound to a given
instance. Callingreactor.mix( substance)
lets you declare a closure that includes a weak pointer to the requested substance in a State Transaction context where you can mutate the substance properties.
So while Substance Mixers can be applied across all substances sharing the same observers the Flask Mixers are intended for more specific transformations and had the advantage of mutating multiple substances through the use of a ChainReaction
Consider the following samples:
Global Substance Mixer. High-level API
Flask.substances(reactTo:EnvMixers.Login, payload:["username":"foo"])
Flask Mixer. High-level API
.mixing(self.substance!) { (substance) in
substance.prop.counter = 10
}.with(self.substance!) { (substance) in
substance.prop.text = "text"
The Reactor
instances (or reactor for short) are initialized by the ReactorManager
factory by passing a weak owner
reference and an array of [substances]
. Internally the framework takes care of lazily unbinding and disposing of the instances which owner
has become nil.
Each Reactor
must define a handler closure where to receive the changes callbacks. You can see an example implementation here:
let reactor = Flask.reactor(attachedTo:owner,mixing:substance)
reactor.handler={owner, reaction in
reaction.on(AppState.prop.counter, { (change) in
The above implementation is conviently wrapped using the FlaskReactor
protocol in which case the implementation looks like this:
class ViewController: UIViewController, FlaskReactor {
func flaskReactions(reaction: FlaskReaction) {
reaction.on(AppState.prop.counter) { (change) in
print("counter = \(substance.state.counter)")
override func viewDidLoad() {
Flask.attachReactor(to:self, mixing:[substance, Subs.appReactive])
In Flask, Flux is the unidirectional single dispatch bus that ensures that all mixing operations will be performed in an atomic way.
All this happens under the hood and you don't need to interface with Flux other than dispatching SubstanceMixer events.
However, it is possible to pause the Flux with a FluxLock
and also perform exclusive mixes while the main flux is paused. Even more, you can create asynchronous locks that would be released at a later time by actions performed in your reaction closure.
Read more about Locks below.
New to Flux?
You can learn all about of Flux in this didactic article from Lin Clark. A cartoon guide to Flux
Also the official docs: Flux from facebook
Here is a quick reference on how to implement Flask Reactor in relation to the Redux and Fluxor pattern.
Redux Style
This is a gist of a basic ReSwift-like implementation.
struct AppState : State{
enum prop: StateProp{
case counter, text
var counter = 0
var text = ""
class ViewController: UIViewController, FlaskReactor {
func flaskReactions(reaction: FlaskReaction) {
reaction.on(AppState.prop.counter) { (change) in
print("counter = \(substance.state.counter)")
reaction.on(AppState.prop.text) { (change) in
print("text = \(substance.state.text)")
override func viewDidLoad() {
Flask.attachReactor(to:self, mixing:[substance])
func produceTestReaction(){
.mixing(self.substance) { (substance) in
substance.prop.counter = 10
}.with(self.substance) { (substance) in
substance.prop.text = "changed!"
Fluxor Style
The fluxor pattern requires more setup but it's very convenient for shared substances.
enum EnvMixers : SubstanceMixer {
case Login
case Logout
class Subs {
static let appReactive = AppReactiveSubstance()
struct AppState : State {
enum prop : StateProp{
case counter, title
var counter = 0
var title = ""
class AppReactiveSubstance : ReactiveSubstance<AppState,EnvMixers> {
override func defineMixers(){
define(mix: .Login) { (payload, react, abort) in
self.prop.title = "signed"
class ViewController: UIViewController, FlaskReactor {
func flaskReactions(reaction: FlaskReaction) {
reaction.on(AppState.prop.title) { (change) in
print("global title = \(Subs.appReactive.state.title)")
override func viewDidLoad() {
Flask.attachReactor(to:self, mixing:[Subs.appReactive])
func produceTestReaction(){
Flask.substances(reactTo:EnvMixers.Login, payload:["username":"foo"])
Special Features
Chain Reactions
A call to mix()
( aka mixing()
) returns a Flask ChainReaction
instance that can be futher chained until resolved. A ChainReaction
has the following methods:
- mix(substance:)
- react()
- abort()
To continue the chain, just call mix (or any of its aliases) again. You must call react()
or abort()
(or its aliases) in order to resolve the transaction (otherwise your Flask will fail to perform further mix transactions).
Using the high-level API
.mixing(self.substanceA) { (substance) in
substance.prop.counter = 10
}.with(self.substanceB) { (substance) in
substance.prop.text = "text"
Using the low level API
.mix(self.substanceA) { (substance) in
substance.prop.counter = 10
}.mix(self.substanceB) { (substance) in
substance.prop.text = "text"
When needed you can create a FluxLock
. This will pause performing any mixes including ReactiveSubstances
or ChainReactions
. You can create many Locks but you are responsible for releasing them all too reactive the flux.
let lock = Flask.lock()
// perform operations while the flux is paused
Async Mixing with Locks
Sometimes you need to perform a particular Mix operation that requires to pause all other mixings until the FlaskReaction
is resolved.
Performing this is really simple using a ReactiveSubstance
- Just create a
passing the name of your global EnvMixer. - Perform your
mix as usual - Then in the
inside theFluxReaction
instance, you'll receive a pointer to your lock atreaction.onLock?
so you can release it.
Request a Mix over a locked flux
Flask.lock(withMixer: EnvMixers.AsyncAction)
Async Release
reaction.on(AppState.prop.asyncResult) { (change) in
//pass the reaction to an async block
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2, execute: {
//release when the operation is completed
Nested Structs
It's possible to use nested structs and Observe changes in them. The limitation around Structs is that all properties must conform to the Codable protocol.
If you need to support passing objects as top-level properties or nested, read below regarding Nested Dictionaries.
func testStruct(){
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "testStruct")
let expectation2 = self.expectation(description: "testStruct")
let expectation3 = self.expectation(description: "testStruct")
struct nestedTestStruct:Codable{
var foo = "bar"
var object = FlaskNSRef(NSObject())
struct testStruct:Codable{
var counter = 10
var nest = nestedTestStruct()
struct state : State{
var info = testStruct()
let NAME = "substanceTest\( NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970)"
let mySubstance = Flask.newSubstance(definedBy: state.self,named:NAME, archive:false)
mySubstance.shouldArchive = true
let owner:TestOwner = TestOwner()
let reactor = Flask.reactor(attachedTo:owner, mixing:mySubstance)
reactor.handler = { owner, reaction in
reaction.on("info", { (change) in
reaction.on("info.counter", { (change) in
reaction.on("info.nest.foo", { (change) in
reactor.mix(mySubstance) { (substance) in
substance.prop.info.counter = 90
substance.prop.info.nest.foo = "mutated"
wait(for: [expectation,expectation2,expectation3], timeout: 2)
let expectation4 = self.expectation(description: "must preserve after archive")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
let archivedSubstance = Flask.newSubstance(definedBy: state.self,named:NAME,archive:true)
XCTAssert(archivedSubstance.state.info.nest.foo == "mutated", "Must preserve value")
wait(for: [expectation4], timeout: 4)
NSObjects and Dictionaries
Objects and Archiving : Please consider that NSObjects are not serializable and will be mapped to nil
by the SubstanceSerializer
In case you need to observe changes in NSObject you can use FlaskRef
. This will wrap your object inside a class that supports the Codable protocol required by your State struct.
When observing this keys you'll be notified whenever the object pointer to this object changes. This would allow you to observe changes in UI objects like UIViewController.
struct myState : State{
var object = FlaskRef( NSObject() )
In case you need to deal with a hierarchy of nested objects the FlaskDictRef
comes to the rescue. Initialize an instance of this class with an NSDictionary and then you'll be able to observe changes on nested keys.
- In your state create a
property - Assign new values by wrapping your Dictionary in a
FlaskDictRef( Dictionary )
- Observe changes in your nested keys using dot syntax.
Create a FlaskDictRef property
struct AppState : State {
enum prop : StateProp{
case info
var info:FlaskDictRef?
Assign values
reactor.mix(substance){ (substance) in
let data:NSDictionary = [
substance.prop.info = FlaskDictRef(data)
Observe changes
reaction.on("info.nest.data", { (change) in
Archiving is a great alternative to SQL-Lite or CoreData when you don't need to perform queries or relational operations in your data. Consider that this feature relies on UserDefaults as storage destination.
By default, archiving is off. To Enable archiving you just need to pass two extra parameters to the Substance
or ReactiveSubstance
let substance = MySubstanceClass(name:"uniqueName",archive:true)
The name has to be unique so make sure to use a proper naming convention for your app.
The substances are then archived after being ile for 2 seconds when changes are detected. It's possible to disable archiving after instantiation by using the property Substance.shouldArchive
You can further customize the process by overriding any of the following methods in your Substances subclasses:
override func archiveKeySpace()->String{
return "1"
override func archiveKey()->String{
return "Fx.\(archiveKeySpace()).\(name())"
override func archiveDelay()->Double{
return 2.0
override func archiveDisabled()->Bool{
return !shouldArchive
Internal state props
In case you want to ignore some State properties from being used in the changes reduction, just use the _
prefix on the variable name:
struct AppState : State {
var _internal = "`_` use this prefix for internal vars "
This could be useful if for whatever reason you are performing additional computations in your state.
Low-level API
Behind the scenes, most high-level functions rely on calling stating methods on the main Flask
You can see them all here:
You can also access the ReactorManager
that holds all the attached Reactor
Demo Project
A sample project is available in this repo inside the folder:
- FlaskSample/
Make sure to run Pod install
to create your workspace.
The sample application implements both patterns simultaneously for further reference.
Test Cases
The above sample project also ships with dozens of test cases as standard Xcode test units. It's a great source to learn more implementation patterns.
These tests are also automatically run with Travis-CI on each deployment and you can check the health status above for peace of mind.
More practical examples are in the works and we would love to feature yours!
API Documentation
Please note the documentation is work in progress.
Jazzy generated documentation available here: Documentation
Have a question?
If you need any help, please visit our GitHub issues. Feel free to file an issue if you do not manage to find any solution from the archives.
You can also reach us at:
Flask was created by Hassan Uriostegui