FirebaseStorageCacheable 0.1.2

FirebaseStorageCacheable 0.1.2

Maintained by Jared Anderton.

  • By
  • jaredanderton


CI Status Version License Platform


FirebaseStorageCacheable is a libary to that downloads and caches the latest version of a file Firebase Storage.

This library allows you download and cache files hosted in Firebase Storage.

It uses the timestamps of your local file, compared to the timestamp of the remote file (by using the file meta information), to determine if the remote file is newer.

The update, replaces the local file with a copy of the remote one. The API includes onComplete and onError closures as parameters to keep your code loosely coupled.

When updatig a file, you may also provide an onProgress closure to can inform your users of the download progress. Or you can let them know they have up-to-date data.

It also supports copying a bundled file to the target location, as well, so your users don't have to download your app, then download the data next, before using your app.


This pod has been written to work with Firebase Storage.

Currently, version is 3.1 (at time of writing)

pod 'Firebase/Storage', '~> 3.1'


FirebaseStorageCacheable is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'FirebaseStorageCacheable'


Import the library

import FirebaseStorageCacheable

Conform to the FirebaseStorageCacheable protocol

class MyCacheableFile: FirebaseStorageCacheable {
    static var remotePath: String = "gs://remote/path/to/your/file.json"
    static var targetPath: String = "/local/path/relative/to/your/apps/Documents/cached.json"
    // optional parameter, used to locate a bundled copy, that can be copied to the targetPath
    static var bundledFileName: String = "bundled.json"

Determine if the target file has been cached locally (either copy from the bundle or downloaded)

if MyCacheableFile.targetFileExists {
    // target file exists
} else {
    // target file does not exist

If you bundle a copy of the file with your app, copy it to the target location - if provided

MyCacheableFile.writeFromBundle(onComplete: {
    // copy from bundle to app documents directory succeeded
},onError: { (error: FirebaseStorageCacheableError?) in
    // handle error

Get the date of the last time the remote file was modified

MyCacheableFile.getRemoteModified(onComplete: { date in
    // now you know when the remote file was updated last
}, onError: { error in
    // handle error

Get the date of the last time the target file (local file) was modified

let date = MyCacheableFile.targetModified

Check to see if there is an updated version

This method compares the value from MyCacheableFile.getRemoteModified and MyCacheableFile.targetModified to determine whether or not an update is available

MyCacheableFile.checkForUpdate(onComplete: { (status: FirebaseStorageCacheableStatus) in
    switch status {
    case .updateAvailable:
        // now would be a great time to trigger the MyCacheableFile.update method here
    case .upToDate:
        // you could display to the user they have up to date information
}, onError: { (error: FirebaseStorageCacheableError?) in
    // handle error

Update the target file with the most recent version of the remote file

MyCacheableFile.update(onComplete: {
    // the most recent version of the remote file has been downloaded and cached
}, onError: { (error: FirebaseStorageCacheableError?) in
    // handle error
}, inProgress: { (fractionComplete: Double) in
    // Update UI with download progress (this closure param optional)

Open the file and do your thing

if let filePath = MyCacheableFile.targetUrl, let contents = try? Data(contentsOf: filePath) {
    // do your thing
} else {
    // loading failed


FirebaseStorageCacheable is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.