FirebaseRxSwiftExtensions 2.0.10

FirebaseRxSwiftExtensions 2.0.10

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release May 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Maximilian Alexander.

Depends on:
RxSwift~> 2.5.0
Firebase~> 2.5.1
FirebaseOSX~> 2.5.1



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


This library is built on Swift 2.2 and needs Xcode 7 or higher to work. This library is build for RxSwift 2.5 or higher. Please take note of the syntax changes when migrating from an older version of Swift to Swift 2 or higher.


FirebaseRxSwiftExtensions is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "FirebaseRxSwiftExtensions"

Modules Needed

import Firebase import RxSwift import FirebaseRxSwiftExtensions

Highly Recommended

Use DisposeBags

I highly recommend always having a disposeBag available in every controller. It’s very important to dispose the subscription or else Firebase may never stop listening when ViewControllers are deallocated

If you are referencing a weak variable in your subscribe or subscribeNext blocks, please make sure to use [unowned self] to prevent a retain cycle.

For example:

    var disposeBag = DisposeBag()
    @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
    override func viewDidLoad(animated: bool)
        // .. stuff

            .subscribeNext{ [unowned self] snapshot in
                self.nameLabel.text = snapshot.value["name"] as! String

Observe a Snapshot

The rx_observe(eventType: FEventType) method observes a Firebase reference or a FQuery for its snapshot.

    let query = Firebase(url: "myUrl").queryOrderedByChild("height")
        .subscribeNext{ (snapshot: FDataSnapshot) in
            //do something with your snapshot

To listen for a snapshot and it's siblingKey. This is useful events like FEventType.ChildMoved and FEventType.ChildChanged

    let query = Firebase(url: "myUrl").queryOrderedByChild("height")

        .subscribeNext{ (tuple: (FDataSnapshot, String) in
            // The tuple contains the snapshot and the sibling key

Cool hint: You can name parts of your tuple to make things easier

    let query = Firebase(url: "myUrl").queryOrderedByChild("height")

        .subscribeNext{ (tuple: (snapshot: FDataSnapshot, siblingKey: String) in
            // The tuple contains the snapshot and the sibling key

Observe a Snapshot Once

I didn’t create an observeSingleEvent rx method. Simply just do a take(1) on an FQuery or Firebase reference.

        .subscribeNext{ (snapshot: FDataSnapshot) in
            //this snapshot is fired once and the listener is disposed of as soon as it fires just once.

Set and Update values

These are relatively straight forward. The operate exactly like their native Firebase equivalents

  • rx_setValues
  • rx_updateChildValues


You can easily observe your authentication state

    let ref = Firebase(url: "myUrl")
        .subscribeNext{ authData in
            if let authData == authData {
                print("You're logged in, authData is not nil")
                print("You are NOT logged in")

You can authenticate with respective methods

    rx_auth(email: String, password: String) -> Observable<FAuthData>
    rx_authWithCustomToken(customToken: String) -> Observable<FAuthData>
    rx_authWithOAuthProvider(provider: String, token: String) -> Observable<FAuthData>
    rx_authWithOAuthProvider(provider: String, parameters: [NSObject: AnyObject]) -> Observable<FAuthData>
    rx_authAnonymously() -> Observable<FAuthData>
    rx_createUser(username: String, password: String) -> Observable<[NSObject: AnyObject]>

More authentication methods to come!

Convenience methods

You can check if a snapshot has a value or not by these two extension methods. They operate on Observable<FDataSnapshot>

  • rx_filterWhenNSNull()
  • rx_filterWhenNotNSNull()


Maximilian Alexander, [email protected]


FirebaseRxSwiftExtensions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.