FeedHenry 6.2.0

FeedHenry 6.2.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Unknown
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2019

Maintained by Daniel Passos, Aiden Keating, Peter Braun, David Ffrench.

Depends on:
AeroGearHttp= 2.0.0
AeroGearPush-Swift= 3.0.0
ReachabilitySwift= 4.1.0

FeedHenry 6.2.0

FeedHenry iOS SDK

Maintenance circle-ci codecov License GitHub release CocoaPods Platform

The iOS Software Development Kit to connect to the FeedHenry platform.

The Swift version of FeedHenry SDK is a Work In Progress. If you want to use full feature SDK go to fh-ios-sdk.

Release Process

The project relies on CocoaPods and it's respective plugin 'cocoapods-packager', so please ensure that are installed in your system. If not, please execute the following:

[sudo] gem install cocoapods cocoapods-packager

Common Actions

  • Update CHANGELOG.md with the new release and content.

a) Release on CocoaPods [Required Step]

  • Update FeedHenry.podspec, s.version attribute with the new version number.
  • Tag the repository with the new version number:
git tag -s -a {VERSION} -m 'version {VERSION}'   // e.g. {VERSION} format is  '4.0.0'
  • Push the new release tag on GitHub:
git push origin {TAG}
  • Publish the FeedHenry.podspec on the CocoaPods repo with:
 	pod trunk push --allow-warnings

--allow-warnings is required to skip some deprecation warnings from a underlying dependency library. This will be circumvented in a future release.

c) Generate API Documentation

To generate API documentation and sync with the GitHub pages placeholder, switch to 'gh-pages' branch and follow the instructions there.


See iOS Swift SDK Guide.
