Faraday 0.6.3

Faraday 0.6.3

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Roy Ratcliffe.

Faraday 0.6.3

  • By
  • Roy Ratcliffe

Faraday for Swift

Faraday is a HTTP client for Swift. Its two main goals are: flexibility and thinness.

Flexibility because connections between clients and servers are complicated affairs. They need breaking down into manageable pieces. Faraday does this by adopting the same approach that server-side software architectures typically take, in one form or another: a middle-ware stack. Requests and responses pass through a stack of middle-ware components that prepare the request for transmission and subsequently prepare the response for usage within the client application. On set-up, you configure the connection’s middleware components and presto, the middle-ware handles your connection’s request set-ups and response tear-downs. The application only needs to examine the cooked results without getting its hands dirty with the messing ingredients—to use a cuisine metaphor.

Thinness because the framework does its job and no more. It imposes

  • no threading model,
  • performs no special tricks to make things work,
  • invokes no legacy methods,
  • has no static managers,
  • no background tasks, or special delegate protocols,
  • no wrappers around existing Foundation classes,
  • no secret dispatch queues,
  • no bouncing messages off the notification centre,
  • no confusing collections of closures to override.

In short, it tries to keep out of the way; smelling fresh and clean.

Faraday aspires to be one HTTP client to rule them all like its Ruby counterpart. The Swift Faraday framework is a modular HTTP client library heavily inspired by Ruby Faraday which, in turn, was heavily inspired by Rack. The framework provides a common interface over many adapters, adopting the concept of Rack middle-ware when processing the HTTP request-response cycle. When you build a connection, you build a stack of middleware elements for processing the requests and responses.

The following describes how to use a basic connection, but you can add your own middleware to customise your connections. See Faraday HAL for example. It includes additional middleware handlers for using Hypertext Application Language (HAL) over your HTTP connections.

Setting Up a Connection

let connection = Connection()
connection.url = URL(string: "http://faraday-tests.herokuapp.com/")
connection.use(handler: EncodeJSON.Handler())
connection.use(handler: DecodeJSON.Handler())
connection.use(handler: Logger.Handler())
connection.use(handler: URLSessionAdapter.Handler())

The URL’s trailing slash is very important. Without it, merging URLs will replace the entire path rather than just append the path. This is a ‘feature’ associated with Apple’s URL class.

The above code builds a logged JSON-based connection using Apple’s URLSession adapter. Requests first see the encode-JSON handler which encodes the request body using JSON serialisation, from a dictionary to a JSON-encoded string. Then the JSON-decoder sees the request but does nothing; the decoder only handles the response when it arrives. Next, the logger handler sees the request and dumps its details to the debug console using NSLog. Finally, the URL session adapter sees the request and runs it.

When the response arrives, the response body and headers pass back up through the middleware stack. The logger logs the response. The decoder converts the response body from JSON to a dictionary. Finally, the encoder sees the response and does nothing because it only cares about the request. The outcome arrives with the Response object, asynchronously.

Handling requests and responses using middleware mimicks the typical way that server-side software handles requests and responses. It helps to decompose the complicated affair. Different elements of the stack focus on their own particular aspect of the interaction. The “Rack stack” is a useful software decomposition tool for handling the request-response cycle, server side and client side.

Using a Connection

Once you set up a connection with a base URL and middleware, you can use it to run requests: gets, heads, deletes, posts, puts, patches, or any other method.

For example, you can run a GET request using the connection as follows:

_ = connection.get(path: "path/to/resource").onComplete { env in
  guard let response = env.response else { return }
  // Handle the unwrapped response. It contains the response status,
  // response headers and response body.

This runs an asynchronous GET request by adding path/to/resource to the base URL. Note that the completion capture runs asynchronously in another thread, the one allocated by iOS for the associated URL session data task. Bounce it to another dispatch queue if necessary.

Query Values

Requests often include parameters, or query values. Set up any parameters needed for the request by supplying a request handler to the run-request method, as follows.

let response = connection.post { request in
  request.setQuery(values: ["world"], forName: "hello")
  // Do other things to configure the request, e.g. adjust headers, add
  // authentication.
// We have the response, but the response is not yet complete. It exists as a
// placeholder until completion. The request runs asynchronously, as does its
// corresponding response.
_ = response.onComplete { env in
  guard let response = env.response else { return }
  let body = response.body as? NSDictionary

In this case, the post request has no addition path provided. It uses the base URL only, but it will add parameters to the URL, i.e. literally ?hello=world will appear at the end of the request URL. The request permits multiple values for the same name, hence set query values.


You can use request handlers to set up request authorisation. Faraday has the two commonly-used authorisation methods baked in: basic and token authorisation. The following configures one particular request with basic authorisation, a login and a password.

let response = connection.get { request in
  request.path = "path/to/resource"
  request.body = ["ping": "pong"]
  _ = request.headers.auth(login: "login", pass: "pass")
  // The headers for this request will now include the following basic authorisation.
  // Authorization: Basic bG9naW46cGFzcw==

You can set up the connection itself with authorisation, so that all requests carry the authorisation header. Access the connection headers using connection.headers; these become the default headers for all requests. Individual request headers merge with and override the defaults.

Token authorisation works similarly, only the arguments differ, i.e.

_ = request.headers.auth(token: "abcdef", options: ["foo": "bar"])

and the request headers will include:

Authorization: Token token=abcdef,foo=bar

It works for connections as well as individual requests.

Chunked Responses

The URL session adapter handles chunked responses. This is where the server sends multiple responses for the same request. Underneath, the HTTP request-response cycle is just a temporary TCP-stream connection. For chunked responses however, the server holds the connection open and delivers multiple responses. For each response chunk, the server sends the length of the chunk and the chunk itself.

For chunked transfers, you set up and use a Faraday connection as normal, only the response completes multiple times for each chunk. See the heartbeat tests for a detailed example of chunked transfers.

Swift Versus Ruby

There are some important differences between Swift Faraday and Ruby Faraday. For one thing, Swift only handles asynchronous responses. Requests become unfinished responses synchronously, but the request runs over the adapter asynchronously in another thread. Later, when the request succeeds or fails, the response finishes. Finished responses invoke their on-complete handlers in reverse middleware stack order.

Construction is another difference. Swift does not conveniently allow dynamic instantiation from class to instance. You cannot provide a string and get an instance. There are ways around this for Swift version 2, but none that does not involve Objective-C. Instead, middleware components define an embedded class by convention: a rack handler. Instances of this class or its sub-classes know how to build a middleware instance given a Rack application.