FH 5.0.0

FH 5.0.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2017

Maintained by weili, corinne krych, Julio Cesar, Daniel Passos.

Depends on:
Reachability= 3.2
AeroGearPush= 2.0.0

FH 5.0.0

FeedHenry iOS SDK

The iOS Software Development Kit to connect to the FeedHenry platform.


See iOS SDK Guide.



The project relies on CocoaPods and it's respective plugins 'cocoapods-packager' and 'cocoapods-appledoc', so please ensure that are installed in your system. If not, please execute the following:

[sudo] gem install cocoapods cocoapods-packager cocoapods-appledoc

Then, install CocoaPods dependencies.

pod install
open fh-ios-sdk.xcworkspace

Note: Do not open fh-ios-sdk.xcodeproj, work with xcworkspace ensures both the iOS SDK project and the CocoaPods dependencies are included in Xcode.

Running Tests

Tests can be run in Xcode by navigating to Product -> Test.

Working with templates app

fh-ios-sdk is used by template app like sync-ios-app to scaffold and demo synchronization feature. You can run a template app with dev pod by:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
project 'sync-ios-app.xcodeproj'
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'sync-ios-app' do
    pod 'FH', :path => '../fh-ios-sdk/'

Given that :path point to the relative path holding your sdk code source.

Common Actions

  • Update the VERSION.txt and fh-ios-sdk/FHDefines.h with the new version number.
  • Update CHANGELOG.md with the new release and content.

b) Release on GitHub

  • Once you have published on CocoaPods it's time to do a GitHub release. To do so run the script:

This will produce two files in the Releases-{version} directory. You can then attach them on the GitHub release page.

c) Generate API Documentation

To generate API documentation and sync with the GitHub pages placeholder, switch to 'gh-pages' branch and follow the instructions there.