FDLBuilder 0.2.0

FDLBuilder 0.2.0

Maintained by sgr-ksmt.

  • By
  • Suguru Kishimoto


FDL(Firebase Dynamic Links) builder.

let builder = FDLBuilder(link: "https://example.com/top", domain: "example.page.link")
    .iOS(bundleID: "com.example.foo.ios") { params in
        params.appStoreID = "123456789"
        params.fallbackURL = "https://example.com/lp/ios"
        return params
    .android(packageName: "com.example.foo.android") { params in
        params.fallbackURL = "https://example.com/lp/android"
        return params
    .options({ options in
        options.pathLength = .unguessable
        return options

builder.build(.long) { link, _, _ in
    print("long link:", link as Any)
builder.build(.short) { (link, warnings, error) in
    print("short link:", link as Any, warnings as Any, error as Any)
  • Build Firebase Dynamic Links easily than using the framework as it is.
  • Method-chain style



  • Initialize builder with deeplink and domain.
let deeplink = URL(string: "https://example.com/top")!
let builder = FDLBuilder(link: deeplink, domain: "example.page.link")

or you can also set url as String directly if it's valid url.

let builder = FDLBuilder(link: "https://example.com/top", domain: "example.page.link")
  • Set parameters you need.
let builder = FDLBuilder(link: "https://example.com/top", domain: "example.page.link")
    .iOS(bundleID: "com.example.foo.ios") { params in
        params.appStoreID = "123456789"
        params.fallbackURL = "https://example.com/lp/ios"
        return params
    .options({ options in
        options.pathLength = .unguessable
        return options


method parameter class s
iOS(bundleID:_:) DynamicLinkIOSParameters
appStore(_:) DynamicLinkItunesConnectAnalyticsParameters
android(packageName:_:) DynamicLinkAndroidParameters
socialMetaTag(_:) DynamicLinkSocialMetaTagParameters
navigationInfo(_:) DynamicLinkNavigationInfoParameters
otherPlatform(_:) DynamicLinkOtherPlatformParameters
options(_:) DynamicLinkComponentsOptions
  • build link
// build long link
let longLink = builder.longLink() // Optional<URL>
print(longLink as Any)

// build short link
builder.build(.short) { url, warnings, error in
    print(url as Any)
    print(warnings as Any)
    print(error as Any)


If you want to change deeplink before building FDL:

let builder = FDLBuilder(link: "https://example.com/top", domain: "example.page.link")
    // set parameters you need

func issueItemLink(itemID: String, completion: @escaping (URL?) -> Void) {
        .build(.short, completion: { url, warnings, error in
            print(url as Any)
            print(warnings as Any)
            print(error as Any)


  • Firebase/DynamicLinks (above v5.0.0)



pod 'FDLBuilder'

and run pod install

Manually Install

Download all *.swift files and put your project.


  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.💪


FDLBuilder is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.