Eventer 1.2.0

Eventer 1.2.0

Maintained by Meniny.

Eventer 1.2.0

Version Author Build Passing Swift
Platforms MIT
Cocoapods Carthage SPM

🏵 Introduction

Eventer is a tiny event post/subscribe library for iOS.

📋 Requirements

  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 9.0+ with Swift 4.0+

📲 Installation

Eventer is available on CocoaPods:

pod 'Eventer'

❤️ Contribution

You are welcome to fork and submit pull requests.

🔖 License

Eventer is open-sourced software, licensed under the MIT license.

💫 Usage

Eventer.on(self, name: "EventName") { (notification) in
    // ...
Eventer.onMainThread(self, name: "AnotherEventName") { (_) in
    // ...
Eventer.post(EventName.didAppear.rawValue, on: .main)