Welcome to Engage SDK user guide. Here, you can find all the code snippets and required to use each and every feature of the Engage SDK. You can also view SDK documentation here. Let's get started.
Add Engage in your Project
It's very simple to add engage SDK to your ios project. open your profile file and add the following code into it.
pod 'EngageSDK'
just type pod install in the terminal and all set. You can find documentation of the SDK here. Follow this user guide to get started with the SDK.
iOS 11.0+
Xcode 10.3
Note -> Supports up to xcode 10.3
The SDK needs to be initialized before one can use it. Please note that in order to use this SDK, it must be initialized before using it, otherwise it will throw Error
. To initialize this SDK, the following things are required:
- ProximiPro API Key: Provided by Engage Platform
- Client ID: Provided by Engage Platform
- Region Identifier: [User defined]
- UUID: Provided by Engage Platform
- Project Name/ Application Name: Used as Notification title for all the notifications displayed from the SDK.
In order to initialize this SDK for the first time, an internet connection is required as it checks and verifies the API key with the server. SDK cannot be initialized without the internet connection. Once the API key is verified through the internet, it no longer requires an internet connection for subsequent runs/initializations.
// Create Initialization request
let initializationRequest = InitializationRequest(
apiKey: "API_KEY",
appName: "App_Name",
clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
uuid: "UUID"
// InitializeEngage
let _ = EngageSDK.init(initData: initializationRequest,
onSuccess: {
// SDK initialized
}) { (errorMessage) in
// Error initializing SDK
Check if SDK is initialized or not
Once the API key is verified, the SDK will be auto initialized on the app start. No need to reinitialize it every time. Here's how you can check whether the SDK is initialized or not
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
if engage.isInitialized { /* SDK is initialized */ }
To use SDK, there is one single entry point for all kinds of operation. The entry point is Engage
class. This how the singleton instance of the SDK can be retrieved:
// returns SDK instance if it's initialized, throws nil otherwise
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
Register User
To register the user with the SDK, 2 things are needed:
- BirthDate of the user
birthDate: String, with dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd"
- Gender of the user
: 1.Gender.Male
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
engage.callRegisterUserApi(birthDate: BirthDate, gender: Gender)
{ (response) in
if let _ = response {
// User Registered successfully
} else {
// Unable to register User
Once the user is registered, tags related to the account can be retrieved like this:
Get User Default Tags
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
var tags = engage.userInfo?.tags ?? [Tag]()
Update User BirthDate, Gender and Tags
These tags are selectable so the user can make a selection of his interest. Once the selection is done, it needs to be synced with the server. For that, callUpdateUserApi
API can be used like this:
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
engage.callUpdateUserApi(birthDate: text, gender: gender, tags: tags) { (response) in
if let response = response {
// User Updated successfully
} else {
// Unable to update User
Get Updated User Information
Once the user is registered successfully with the SDK, you can retrieve all the user related information from engage config object like this:
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
val birthDate = engage.userInfo?.birthDate
val gender = engage.userInfo?.gender
val tags = engage.userInfo?.tags
Starting and Stopping Scan
Start Scan
This SDK supports lifecycle aware scans which means that scan results will only be delivered if the is in the foreground. Also, upon scan results, SDK shows notifications based on the rules triggered.
Note that the SDK uses foreground service for beacon scanning. This service will display a notification whenever the scan is started and will remove the notification whenever the scan is stopped. see Configure Service Notification section to modify default notification settings.
method call requires Location permission to start scanning as an underlying native module requires this permission for scanning beacons. Make sure that the app has location permission before starting the scan, otherwise the scanning process won't get started and it won't give any scan results.
// start scan
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
// assign location manager object to sdk before start scaning
if engage.locationManager == nil {
engage.locationManager = locationManager
// if user don't allow the location, notifiation and bluetooth start method return with error message
engage.start { (message, permission) in
// message - error message
// permission- true/false
// other wise your scan is started
engage.onBeaconCamped = { beacon, location in
// called on beacon detection
engage.onBeaconExit = { beacon, location in
// called when beacon exit
engage.onRangedBeacon = { beacons in
// List of detected beacons
engage.onRuleTriggeres = { rule, location in
// called when a rule is triggered upon beacon detection
engage.onLocationRuleTriggeres = { rule, location in
// called when a rule is triggered upon location detection
engage.onPermissionChange = { (message, permission) in
if !permission {
// if user change any permission then this block called
engage.locationCheckLiveData = { location in
if let location = location {
// Called when a SDK search for the location based content
Stop Scan
Stopping an ongoing scan is pretty easy. It will remove all the background and foreground, scan listeners.
The service notification has a Stop Scan
button that stops the ongoing scan process. As this notification is shown as a part of the foreground service, it cannot be canceled until the service is stopped.
Background Mode
This SDK supports background scan mode to keep scanning even when the app is not in the foreground. It displays notifications on scan results and those notifications lead back to the main app. Settings background mode enabled, it will also start a scan on device boot.
Enable Background Mode
engage.isBackgroundModeEnabled = true
engage.isNotificationEnabled = true
In order to enable background scan, both
needs to be set to true. If one of them is not set to true, the background scan won't start.Note that in order to apply these changes, the scan process doesn't need to be restarted as it is needed for other settings.
Location-Based Content
Location-based content enables the SDK to use device location and fetch data based on the location. To enabled location-based content:
engage.isLocationBasedContentEnabled = true
Using ContentListView
The SDK provides a list view to load all the supported content when the app is in the foreground. Using this ContentListView
is very simple.
Start by adding the view in your UITableViewCell:
Assign ListTableViewCell class to UITableViewCell and connect WKWebView to outlet : https://ibb.co/Kj4jDsY
Assign WkWebView to webview : https://ibb.co/8gk3jph
Setting content for the view
Once you receive the rule from the onRuleTriggered
method, you can create instances of the Content
class and create a list of it. Then all you need to do is pass the content list to the view and it will load data from the server.
cell.loadContent(data: contents[indexPath.row]) // where contents is [Content]
Using ContentDetailView
As the SDK provides ContentView
to load the list of content, it also provides a detailed view of the content. Using ContentView
is pretty simple. Assign ContentView
class to UIView
Loading content in You can pass the Content
instance from one component.
contentView.loadContent(content: content)
Handle Notifications
The SDK shows notifications based on the rule triggered once the scanning process is started. These notifications when clicked launches the application by default.
// iOS App default methods to get notification
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
let notificationData = notification.request.content.userInfo
completionHandler([.alert, .sound])
// Called when notification arrive
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
print("Notification Clicked")
// Called when notification clicked
Retrieve Information from the tapped notification
You'll need to pass userInfo
to the SDK directly to get the content.
// Before call this method EngageSDK must be initialized.
func handleNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
EngageSDK.shared?.onPromotion = { promostionAction in
print("On Promotion \(promostionAction)")
EngageSDK.shared?.callPromotionApi(id: promostionAction.meta?.params?.id ?? "", responseData: { (response) in
// user will get content here
EngageSDK.shared?.handleNotification(userInfo: userInfo, isWebContent: {
// Called when notification contain web content
FCM notification from SDK
Geting notification from FCM you just get the token from firebase and pass to SDK.
engage.callPushNotificationRegister(pushToken: "FCM Token", responseData: { (response) in
// do nothing
Update Beacon UUID & API key
The SDK uses default beacon UUID provided by the ProximiPRO Engage platform. However if any requirement arises to change beacon UUID, it can be done very easily:
Please make sure that the UUID is in the right format and is not incorrect. Also, in order for SDK to apply changes, the app needs to be restarted.
The SDK provides a way to change the API key used by the SDK.
Once the API key is changed, the SDK re-verifies it on the next run to make sure that it is a valid API key. If it fails to verify the new API key then it won't initialize the SDK. Also, for this change to be effective, the app needs to be restarted.
// returns true if the uuid is updated successfully, false otherwise
Re-initialized the SDK
Snoozing notification & Content
Engage SDK allows you to snooze untapped notifications and content of the tapped notifications in an easy way.
Snooze Untapped Notifications
engage.snoozeNotificationTimeInMinutes = Minutes
Snooze Content
engage.snoozeContentTimeInHours = Hours
iOS don't provide TxPower in beacon, for distance calculation SDK provide the option to add TxPower
engage.txPower = txPower_value : `https://ibb.co/hfG0bQZ`
To enable the event log SDK provide the log methods
Push notification log
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
engage.callLogPushNotification(notificationId: notifiaction id "id", action: action like "open" or "click") { (response) in
print(response ?? "")
Event log
In event log you can pass the log type like .details, .fav and .social.
guard let engage = EngageSDK.shared else { return }
engage.callLogEvent(logType: .details, contentId: "contentId", contentType: "contentType", param2: nil, beacon: "current beacon", location: "current location") { (response) in
if let response = response {
} else {
Log out from SDK
Logging out from SDK stops the ongoing scans and resets all the settings to default.