EmbeddedProvision 1.1.1

EmbeddedProvision 1.1.1

Maintained by Ullrich Schäfer.

Embedded Provision

Version License Platform Carthage compatible SwiftPM compatible Swift Tests

✨ Handy helpers for reading values from an applications embedded provision profile.

Embedded provision profiles can answer many questions about where and how an iOS or macOS application is running, like:

  • Is this app deployed to the AppStore or distributed internally?
  • Which push notification environment is the application signed for?
  • What's the Apple developer team ID that was used to sign the app?

... and more!

Quick Start

You can take a look at the provided example project, or simply play with yourself.

import EmbeddedProvision

do {
  if let provision = try EmbeddedProvision.load() {
    print("Your app was signed with \(provision.name).")
  } else {
    print("Your app is likely running in a Simulator right now.")
catch EmbeddedProvisionError.decodingError {
  fatalError("Decoding errors should not happen. Please file an issue.")
catch {
  fatalError("Generally errors are very unexpected, and so is this: \(error) ")

Table of Contents


You can load your applications embedded provisioning profile by using EmbeddedProvision.load(). This will look for the profile inside your apps bundle under embedded.mobileprovision (on iOS) or Contents/embedded.provisionprofile (on macOS).


Once you have an instance of EmbeddedProvision at hand you have access to the following properties that are more about describing the profile itself:

Property Signature Discussion
name String The name of the profile that was used to sign your app
appIDName String The name of the app ID (as provided in the developer portal)
platform [String] A list of supported platforms (i.e. iOS, visionOS, xrOS and more)
isXcodeManaged Bool? Wether the profile is managed by Xcode
creationDate Date When the profile was created
expirationDate Date When the profile will expire
entitlements Entitlements The actual content of the profile. See the below.


Apple supports a lot of different entitlements. This library is at the moment only decoding a minimum of them. If you need any other entitlement, please add it and open a PR.

Entitlement Signature Discussion
keychainAccessGroups [String] A list of application IDs (including wildcards) of keychains this app can access
getTaskAllow Bool Wether a debugger can attach to the running app. Should be false for distributed builds
apsEnvironment APSEnvironment? If the app supports push notifications, this property tells you which APNs (formerly APS) environment to use
teamId String The identifier of the developer team this app was signed for. This impacts i.e. which APNs push keys should be used



To install MagicBell using CocoaPods, add this entry to your Podfile:

pod 'EmbeddedProvision', '>=1.0.0'

IMPORTANT: Make sure you specify use_frameworks! in your Podfile.

Then, run pod install.

Swift Package Manager

To install the library using Swift Package Manager, just add the dependency as follows to your project:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/magicbell/embedded-provision", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))


To install the library using Carthage, add the following dependency to the Carfile :

github "magicbell/embedded-provision" "1.0.0"

Then, run carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform [iOS|macOS] --no-use-binaries (selecting the desired platform) to resolve dependencies.

Add the EmbeddedProvision.xcframework to your project-linked frameworks, together with the other dependencies resolved by Carthage.


What is an embedded provision profiles?

I short, they are Apples way to allow your app to run on their platforms. They are a codesigned definition of where you're app can run, what it can do. But nobody explains it better than Applie itself in TN3125 - Provisioning profile fundamentals.

Why is there no provision profile embedded in my app?

If the app is not signed to run on a device, there won't be a profile. This typically happens when the app is running in a Simulator.

Does this library support macOS?

It should! It wasn't extensively tested though. Please file an issue if you run into any problems.


Contributions of any kind are welcome.