EasyShareController 1.0.2×Maintained by pcjbird.Installation Guide×Installation Guide for EasyShareControllerYou want to add pod 'EasyShareController', '~> 1.0' similar to the following to your Podfile:target 'MyApp' do pod 'EasyShareController', '~> 1.0' endThen run a pod install inside your terminal, or from CocoaPods.app.Alternatively to give it a test run, run the command:pod try EasyShareControllerSee PodspecGitHub RepoPage on CocoaPods.orgEasyShareController 1.0.2Bypcjbirdwww.lessney.compcjbird/EasyShareControllerGitHub Repo EasyShareController 一款让社交分享变得简单的视图控制器。 安装 / Installation 方法一:EasyShareController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: pod 'EasyShareController' 关注我们 / Follow us
EasyShareController 一款让社交分享变得简单的视图控制器。 安装 / Installation 方法一:EasyShareController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: pod 'EasyShareController' 关注我们 / Follow us