DrdshSDK 2.1.8

DrdshSDK 2.1.8

Maintained by WhollySoftware.

Depends on:
SwiftyJSON~> 4.0
MBProgressHUD>= 0
IQKeyboardManagerSwift= 6.2.1
Socket.IO-Client-Swift= 15.2.0

DrdshSDK 2.1.8

  • By
  • htf


CI Status Version License Platform



It includes such features as:

  • Make Customers Life Easy
  • Seamless Integration
  • Satisfy Your Customers
  • Flatter Your Customers
  • Enhance Your Service
  • Save Time And Energy
  • Zero Payment To Get Started With The DRDSH Trial.


It includes such requirements as:

  • Swift Version : 5.0
  • Xcode : 11 or more



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate DrdshSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile :

pod 'DrdshSDK'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Step 1

  • For access DrdshSDK you need to import Pod to your project
    import DrdshSDK
    class ViewController: UIViewController {


Step 2

  • For open the SDK chat support you have required appSid and you need to pass that to like below with DrdshSDKConfiguration() object
    let sdkCongig = DrdshSDKConfiguration()
    sdkCongig.appSid = "put your appSid here"
    //"APPSID you will get it from https://www.drdsh.live/company/api-key."

Step 3

  • For Open SDK you need to call below function with DrdshSDKConfiguration() object
     DrdshSDK.presentChat(config: sdkCongig)

Step 4

  • Below is the fully code of open SDK with dummy appSid
    @IBAction func btnStartChatAction(_ sender:UIButton){
        let sdkCongig = DrdshSDKConfiguration()
        sdkCongig.appSid = "put your appSid here"
        DrdshSDK.presentChat(config: sdkCongig)

Customize :

  • This pod is easily fully customisable using DrdshSDKConfiguration() object like below :
    let sdkCongig = DrdshSDKConfiguration()
    //if you need in Arabic langauge
    sdkCongig.local = "ar"

    //set the Background color
    sdkCongig.bgColor = "#ffffff"
    //set the Button Background color
    sdkCongig.buttonColor = "#6f2b91"
    //set the Navigation Bar color
    sdkCongig.topBarBgColor = "#6f2b91"
    //set the My Chat Bubble color
    sdkCongig.myChatBubbleColor = "#EEEEEE"
    //set the My Chat text color
    sdkCongig.myChatTextColor = "#47336b"
    //set the Opposite Chat Bubble color
    sdkCongig.oppositeChatBubbleColor = "#6f2b91"
    //set the Opposite Chat Text color
    sdkCongig.oppositeChatTextColor = "#FFFFFF"



Thats it, you successfully integrate DrdshSDK


HTF, [email protected]


If you find an issue, please create an issue.


Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file.