DoYouDreamUp 1.0.9

DoYouDreamUp 1.0.9

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Commercial
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017

Maintained by Nicolas Lauquin.

Depends on:
SocketRocket= 0.5.1
Base64= 1.1.2

  • By
  • DoYouDreamUp Dev team

DoYouDreamUp - Virtual assistant iOS SDK

DoYouDreamUp SDK is a simple implementation of the virtual assistant provided by DoYouDreamUp to communicate and echange in real time through a websocket server.


  • [x] Easy integration with cocoapods
  • [x] Easy access to Talk, History, Survey, TopQuestions features
  • [x] Realtime communication using Websocket
  • [x] Written in Objc and Swift complient
  • [x] Compatible iOS8 & iOS9 & iOS10
  • [x] Complete documentation

Usage in Objective-C

a - Header

  • Import the header in your .h:
 #import <DoYouDreamUp/DoYouDreamUp.h>

b - Setup

  • Setup your token & server information in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
[[DoYouDreamUpManager sharedInstance] configureWithDelegate:self

c - Methods and delegates

  • Implement the DoYouDreamUpDelegate protocol and its mandatory methods:
///Callback to notify that the connection failed with the given error
///@param error the given error
-(void) dydu_connexionDidFailWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error {}

///Callback to notify that the connection closed correctly
-(void) dydu_connexionDidClosed {}

///Callback to notify that the connection opened
///@param contextId the contextId used in the current connexion
-(void) dydu_connexionDidOpenWithContextId:(nullable NSString*)contextId {}
  • Connect to the server when you need it:
[[DoYouDreamUpManager sharedInstance] connect];
  • Implement the solution you need (example a talk):
[[DoYouDreamUpManager sharedInstance] talk:@"Hi, can you help me?"];
  • Implement the callback delegate:
-(void) dydu_receivedTalkResponseWithMsg:(nonnull NSString*)message withExtraParameters:(nullable NSDictionary*)extraParameters {}

You are all set to test and use the solution! Build any UI you want around the chat service.

Usage in Swift

a - Briding (skip if already done)

  • Create a new bridge file header
  Go to File>New>File.. and add a new header file called `[AppNameHere]-Bridging-Header.h.
  • Go go "Build Settings" and search for "Objective-c Bridging Header". Enter your bridging header path here if not already definied.

b - Import header

  • Add the following line to the bridge header file:
  #import <DoYouDreamUp/DoYouDreamUp.h>

c - Setup

  • Setup your token & server information in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: (swift 2.3 style)
import DoYouDreamUp
                                                            botId: "972f1264-6d85-4a58-b5ac-da31481dda63",
                                                            consultationSpace: nil,
                                                            language: "FR",
                                                            solutionUsed: Assistant,
                                                            pureLivechat: false,

d - Methods and delegates

  • Implement the DoYouDreamUpDelegate protocol and its mandatory methods:
///Callback to notify that the connection failed with the given error
///@param error the given error
func dydu_connexionDidFailWithError(error: NSError) {}

///Callback to notify that the connection closed correctly
func dydu_connexionDidClosed() {}

///Callback to notify that the connection opened
///@param contextId the contextId used in the current connexion
func dydu_connexionDidOpenWithContextId(contextId:String?) {}
  • Connect to the server when you need it:
  • Implement the solution you need (example a talk):
DoYouDreamUpManager.sharedInstance().talk("Hi, can you help me?"])

Implement the callback delegate:

func dydu_receivedTalkResponseWithMsg(message: String, withExtraParameters extraParameters: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) {}

You are all set to test and use the solution! Build any UI you want around the chat service.

Demo projects

Three demo projects are available in swift & objc. Including:

  • cocoapods integration in swift
  • cocoapods integration in objc
  • one manual framework integration in objc


The recommended way of installation is via CocoaPods a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. Pods lets you download and integrate DoYouDreamUp sdk in your Xcode project in less than 1 minute.

You can install CocoaPods with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 0.39.0+ is required to build DoYouDreamUp 1.0.0+.

To integrate DoYouDreamUp into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'DoYouDreamUp', '~> 1.0.8'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Interface documentation

This sdk is a simple wrapper around the DoYouDreamUp websocket interface, something you'll might need to have a look at the interface documention.

Repository organisation

  • DoYouDreamUpFMK: project to build the framework. The static DoYouDreamUp.framework is generated from the "Framework and doc" scheme.
  • DoYouDreamUpFMK_objc: dev integration project with dependancies with DoYouDreamUpFMK project - in objc.
  • DoYouDreamUpFMK_swift: dev integration project with dependancies with DoYouDreamUpFMK project - in swift.
  • Examples/DoYouDreamUp_objc_pods: objc example with pod integration
  • Examples/DoYouDreamUp_objc_manual: objc example with manual integration
  • Examples/DoYouDreamUp_swift: swift example with pod integration
  • DoYouDreamUp.framework: last version of the framework generated
  • DOC: the local generated documentation

Debug logs

No logs are displayed by default except errors, to enable it do:

[DoYouDreamUpManager displayLog:true];